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Many early proponents viewed psychoanalysis as a redemptive messianic movement that would end anti-Semitism by freeing the world of neuroses produced by sexually repressive Western civilization.

Psychoanalysis -- Freud's war on gentile culture -- was combined with Marxism by the Frankfurt School into a devastating weapon against the ethnic consciousness of white Americans."

Freud (and his “sponsors”) paved the way for acceptance of child abuse child rape.

And after coming to an awareness that child abuse causes neurosis, psychosis emotional upheaval - Freud received an offer from his wealthy patrons he couldn’t refuse: focusing the goyim attention on penis envy.

And another cohencidence, the nephew of Sigmund Freud and the great-uncle of Marc Bernays Randolph (co-founder of pedo Netflix), who pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion. He called it "engineering of consent."

Bernays was an integral part of the Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda machine that advertised and sold the war (WWI) to American people as one that would "Make the World Safe for Democracy." Marketing strategies for all future wars would end up being based on the CPI model.

After reading this book, You'll notice propaganda everywhere - politics, fashion, TV shows, advertisements, etc...

Every single aspect of the MEDIA is jewish (pic8.co)

Every single aspect of HOLLYWOOD is jewish (pic8.co)

The rabbi hole goes even deeper >> https://poal.co/s/GoyimTV/661875

> Many early proponents viewed psychoanalysis as a redemptive messianic movement that would end anti-Semitism by freeing the world of neuroses produced by sexually repressive Western civilization. > Psychoanalysis -- Freud's war on gentile culture -- was combined with Marxism by the Frankfurt School into a devastating weapon against the ethnic consciousness of white Americans." > Freud (and his “sponsors”) paved the way for acceptance of child abuse child rape. > And after coming to an awareness that child abuse causes neurosis, psychosis emotional upheaval - Freud received an offer from his wealthy patrons he couldn’t refuse: focusing the goyim attention on penis envy. > And another cohencidence, the nephew of Sigmund Freud and the great-uncle of Marc Bernays Randolph (co-founder of pedo Netflix), who pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion. He called it "engineering of consent." > Bernays was an integral part of the Committee on Public Information (CPI), a powerful propaganda machine that advertised and sold the war (WWI) to American people as one that would "Make the World Safe for Democracy." Marketing strategies for all future wars would end up being based on the CPI model. > After reading this book, You'll notice propaganda everywhere - politics, fashion, TV shows, advertisements, etc... [Every single aspect of the MEDIA is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/sdrH2n.jpg) [Every single aspect of HOLLYWOOD is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/8A8fWT.png) The rabbi hole goes even deeper >> https://poal.co/s/GoyimTV/661875
[–] 2 pts

freud was sympathetic to the jew

and thus the inception of his Oedipus Complex analyses is born

[–] 1 pt

"The refusal to partake in a degenerate lifestyle prevents us from demonically possessing the goyim, and that's a bad thing" - sigmund "anal obsession is my passion" (((freud)))