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THE U.S.S.A. has a sin debt of 20 trillion shekels. We have an open southern border which welcomes drug cartels and welfare colonists.

Our culture is a sewer of jewish pornography and anti-White drivel.

The next generation can expect to have a lower standard of living than the previous one. Whites will soon be a minority.

Our cities are burning, the rule of law is collapsing. A cabal of jewish criminal politicians is pushing us toward nuclear war with Russia.

None of these things are important.

What is important is combating European “anti-semitism,” also known as noticing the profound negative impact the jew has on their host nations. This madness is clearly in our best interests and the right thing to do.

The rotten structure is coming down, but at least we made token efforts to stifle free speech thousands of miles away.

> THE U.S.S.A. has a sin debt of 20 trillion shekels. We have an open southern border which welcomes drug cartels and welfare colonists. > Our culture is a sewer of jewish pornography and anti-White drivel. > The next generation can expect to have a lower standard of living than the previous one. Whites will soon be a minority. > Our cities are burning, the rule of law is collapsing. A cabal of jewish criminal politicians is pushing us toward nuclear war with Russia. > None of these things are important. > What is important is combating European “anti-semitism,” also known as noticing the profound negative impact the jew has on their host nations. This madness is clearly in our best interests and the right thing to do. > The rotten structure is coming down, but at least we made token efforts to stifle free speech thousands of miles away.

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