And this aversion to + signs also extends to X's. At Ellis, non English speaking, reading, or writing emigres were asked to give their mark upon arrival. The jews, not being of Euro-Christian extraction, were disinclined to have X mark their spot in this new and welcoming land of huddled masses, so instead, memorialized their arrivals with an O. The yiddish word for circle, is kikel. Derivate and Laconize kikel down to kike and boom, there ya go. The 2nd worst racial epithet (just a shade shy of nigger) in the history of uttered linguistics, means circle. Oy vey, Bubula.
On a side note, does the ADL consider tic tac toe a Hate Game?
Do WE consider it a hate game? Because now I think we ought to start a 4chan-level campaign to convince the masses of such a thing
O| |X
X| |O
This is the latest symbol of anti-jewish hate: The slash through the 'O's represents destruction of 'kikes'. Surrounding the 'O's are 'X's, representing triumphant Christian fundamentalists. The 'X's and 'O's form an 'H', standing for 'Hitler'.
-Totally a quote from the ADL website
I guess you can say then that we... 🕶️
...have come full circle. 😎
(post is archived)