we're not scared of soy trannies we are scared of the brainwashed white elite soldiers ready to crack our skulls because the jew told the elite white soldiers that white citizens were evil for disagreeing with jew trannies.
If you took the police and military out of the picture im certain we would see lynch mobs pop up over night. We are effectively in a fist fight with our arms tied behind our backs. The police wait silently for US to act, the jew and the black can burn loot and murder but god forbid the white man fight back lest the fury of the state comes down on him.
There is a massive demand for white aggression to justify more state overreach, we have held ourselves back to deny them this because we know the consequences. At some point though we need to realise that this isnt working and combat them with overwhelming force, that point is probably a social one when the majority will be on our side.
Literally the opening scenario of The Turner Diaries.
Huh never heard of that before. Anywhere I can get a pdf or an audiobook?
If they're not careful they'll get what they demand
I think they are accelerating too fast, this tranny shit and the BLM apologism really turned a lot of heads.
They are grooming us to accept pedophilia now. The public conscious has already accepted the arguments for it (love is love with the homosexuals and children can consent with the transgender bullshit) and there have been suggestions for it to be accepted in mainstream media.
Some people could ignore it or buy into the arguments but seeing a grown man with a young child will awaken instinctual paternal disgust.
I swear they are trying to trigger a response from us with the filth they are pushing, but at this stage we need to let other people see what we are getting prepared to fight against. Enemies converted are worth a lot more than enemies defeated. The less brothers that need to be fought the better.
Ignore OPs bait posts. He's been on a posting spree trying for the last 3 days trying to get people to doxx themselves.
All he's doing is posting memes to goat people to "expose da jew" in public. Meanwhile when you ask him to post face he conveniently ignores those comments and continues to anonymously post memes like a pussy.
At this point I believe he's either retarded or a glownigger or both.
This is why if you're going to be aggressive, you do it in a way that you don't get caught.
sniper rifle.
(post is archived)