I know that, but why did they start doing it in the first place?
Humiliation ritual and also to better blend in in White nations. If all the goyim were circumcised it's harder to purge all the jews later on (that said we now have DNA and finely honed jewdars, making this moot).
If you meant why do kikes do it, no idea.
Sadism? Bloodlust? Perhaps it's purpose was to bind you to the group. Some people would rather believe the group, than to accept their dick was mutilated for nothing.
I guess for similar reasons that the Aztecs tortured and sacrificed children.
I once was told it was for hygiene, because they lived in the desert and had no running water. But if you can clean your ass after taking a shit, you can you also figure out how to clean your dick. "Truly fucked in the head" is more likely than hygiene.
I'll take Sadism for $1000 Alex.
Same reason they do it today...To keep men from masturbating all day long
(post is archived)