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[–] 0 pt

But it did, inexorably, prove there were multiple mass graves

I must have missed the support for this conclusion. Please list specifically which findings given support the proof of the existence of mass graves.

[–] 0 pt

Please list the support that concludes that the ground is undisturbed, that there are 0 anomalies in the ground, to support Krebe's conclusion, FIRST, before I just link you right back to the same study that has already been linked.

First, prove your position. This other study was done in part to prove or disprove Krebe's "study." Be my guest.

In fact, explain the actual dead bodies photographed and documented on that same site back in the 1940s and the subsequent Jewish Gold Rush to support Krebe's position that that never happened. This was a full 10 years before the narrative was being built about the 6 gorillion. So that argument will not fly. We have irrefutable evidence that that sit was used for mass graves. Krebe's disagreed and made himself look like a dumbass.

[–] 0 pt

I didn't think you could.

[–] 0 pt

That's right: you're a coward and didn't have any evidence to support the bullshit boomer meme in the OP. Krebe's is a hack and you look retarded for supporting his "research." He lied and doctor his data. Supporting assholes like Krebe's makes you look very stupid and it discredits the rest of us who Holocaust skeptics. I'm not a Holocaust Denier. I'm a skeptic of the 6 million figure and there's plenty of evidence out there to cast doubt on it.

There is far too much evidence to deny that there was not Holocaust, however. Only absolute idiots like you believe stupid shit like that.