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[–] 0 pt

Life under Hitler was amazing for the Germans. You just need a good daddy, I can be your daddy.

[–] 0 pt

Life in the U.S. in the roaring 20's was also pretty amazing for Americans -- until the crash. It was pretty great in the 90s and 2000s too, you know, until the Great Recession.

It's easy to mess around with an economy and get results that look good for a while. But it is unsustainable. Market manipulation always results in distortions in the growth of certain markets/industries and misallocations of resources. The boom is always followed by the bust. This is basic business cycle theory. I'm surprised I even have to make this point.

[–] 1 pt

>Life in the U.S. in the roaring 20's was also pretty amazing for Americans -- until the crash. It was pretty great in the 90s and 2000s too, you know, until the Great Recession.

Yes, and both of those were caused by BANKS lending out depositors money instead of doing what they are supposed to do, store it. When the market crashes, people cannot pay their loan payments, and the banks fail (but their owners don't pay back the salary they've grifted over the years).

Banks lending depositors' funds are the root cause of all recent economic collapses.

[–] 0 pt

Umm...no. What? Where did you get the idea that banks were only supposed to store money? So no one can borrow money to fund new companies and new projects? Ridiculous.

The banks caused crashes through fractional reserve lending -- i.e., lending out money in excess of their reserves. They invested in riskier assets than they should have because the Federal Reserve and the FDIC have their backs. The banks should fail when they don't make prudent investments, but they don't because they have special government privileges to counterfeit money (through fractional reserve lending) and government bailouts for when they fail. Also there are bank charters that are extremely difficult to get that make competition in the banking industry nearly impossible.

Banks aren't lending depositors' funds. They're lending money they don't even have, and the government permits and encourages it.

Of course, there is a way to take the banking function (i.e., lending) away from the banks in your own life, and everyone who can should be practicing it. But too few people know about it at the moment.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

No the German economy blossomed once they kicked out the jewish central bankers. The rest of the world was/is running on a farce system. This boom and bust cycle is a Jewish banker scam to plunder your country.

[–] 0 pt

Kicking out central bankers is a great idea, no matter whether they are jews or not. I don't know enough about the German economy under Hitler to comment intelligently, and I suspect that you do not either, but I do recall that Germany invaded neighboring nations and stole their gold reserves, which would certainly help to bolster an economy. Plundering other nations is not exactly a sustainable enterprise.

In any case, the boom and bust cycle is not exclusively jewish. It happens in any country where the currency and interest rates are manipulated by a central banking entity. Central banks don't exist, in fact cannot exist, if they are not put in place by government. The problem at the root is always government, and anyone claiming otherwise is either a fool or a forum slider.

[–] -1 pt (edited )

I had a dad. Now I'm an adult. I don't need the state to be a surrogate source of masculinity.

>Life under Hitler was amazing for the Germans.

How did it work out long term though?

When men have structure and discipline forced on them from the state their own individual capacity becomes atrophied. The result is emasculated men who are dominated by women.

The way forward is to instill discipline and structure on boys so that it becomes internalized.

Men who long for a masculine father they never had by looking to the government are foolish. Don't give government bureaucrats the power to control your life. They don't care about you. They will use the power for their own benefit at your expense.

[–] 1 pt

When men have structure and discipline forced on them from the state their own individual capacity becomes atrophied. The result is emasculated men who are dominated by women.

No it’s because all the men died in the world war.

Don't give government bureaucrats the power to control your life. They don't care about you. They will use the power for their own benefit at your expense.

While I agree about the sentiment about government, literally anything is better than we have today and Hitler was an excellent leader.

[–] -2 pt (edited )

A boy looks to men as an authority. A man looks to god or nature, and a good conscience. A society of such men can't be controlled by a minority group.

Giving a good leader institutional authority is perilous. They will die and be replaced by a bad leader.

Hitler got his brave men slaughtered, his women raped, and his people enslaved by his stated enemies.