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[–] 11 pts

What the person who made this means by "capitalism" is actually cronyism or corporatism. The actual definition of capitalism pre-supposes that there is no government interference in the economy, which makes it then impossible for anyone to "take over" your economy.

But most people don't understand basic economics and think stupid shit like this is "deep".

[–] 5 pts

I agree with the sentiments of what is being said though but I understand what you’re saying

[–] 3 pts

You nailed it.

Communism is when the government is your mommy. Fascism is when the government is your daddy. Both are authoritarian power structures where the majority of people are controlled by a small group.

I doubt the people that tout fascism have a real sense of what it would be like to have the government control every aspect of their life. I think they don't like the jews, and figure that is the antidote. If they want to live like that then they should join the marines or a religious cult, but don't tread on me.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Democracy is when the government is in an authoritarian power structure in which nobody is held responsible. "Should have voted for a different politician" is the mantra people espouse meanwhile having an actual leader like Hitler in power takes on all responsibility if the government does something the citizens despise, the leader takes responsibility and is punished rightfully. On that note, he never committed any atrocities, Americans who were under the control of International jews faked the holocaust and de-nazified Germany and Austria using said propaganda.

[–] 0 pt

Life under Hitler was amazing for the Germans. You just need a good daddy, I can be your daddy.

[–] 0 pt

Life in the U.S. in the roaring 20's was also pretty amazing for Americans -- until the crash. It was pretty great in the 90s and 2000s too, you know, until the Great Recession.

It's easy to mess around with an economy and get results that look good for a while. But it is unsustainable. Market manipulation always results in distortions in the growth of certain markets/industries and misallocations of resources. The boom is always followed by the bust. This is basic business cycle theory. I'm surprised I even have to make this point.

[–] -1 pt (edited )

I had a dad. Now I'm an adult. I don't need the state to be a surrogate source of masculinity.

>Life under Hitler was amazing for the Germans.

How did it work out long term though?

When men have structure and discipline forced on them from the state their own individual capacity becomes atrophied. The result is emasculated men who are dominated by women.

The way forward is to instill discipline and structure on boys so that it becomes internalized.

Men who long for a masculine father they never had by looking to the government are foolish. Don't give government bureaucrats the power to control your life. They don't care about you. They will use the power for their own benefit at your expense.

[–] 0 pt

Communism is NOT authoritarian. Only an uneducated retard believes that. Communism IS totalitarian.

[–] 1 pt

Real capitalism hasn’t existed in so long basically almost no one knows what it supposed to look like.

[–] 0 pt

By "real capitalism", do you mean a 100% free market with zero government interference? If so, then it's barely ever existed.

But this doesn't matter. We don't need 100% free market capitalism in order to know what effect it will have. We can see how reducing government interference in the economy improves economic outcomes, reduces market distortions, and moderates or eliminates the business cycle. We can see how increasing government interference does the opposite. Capitalism isn't a binary. It's a spectrum. There are numerous historical and modern examples of various degrees of capitalism in countries all over the world.

We do, in fact, know what it's supposed to look like.

[–] 0 pt

Literally no one knows that capitalism is anti-jew as fuck. NSDAP was a capitalist economy on a fiat currency. People LOVE to ignore these things as the kvetch using jew lies about muh capitalism.

[–] 0 pt

Capitalism decays into Cronyism as you put it, just as Socialism decays into communism.

The root of the problem is that power corrupts so regardless where you start crooked politicians and bureaucrats will decay whatever institution they are involved in from the inside unless they are prevented from doing so. Capitalism is what we should strive for but without constant vigilance it will eventually decay.

[–] 0 pt

"Capitalism" doesn't decay into cronyism by itself. Government interference in the economy distorts capitalism into cronyism.

Socialism doesn't decay into communism, because one is an economic system and one is a political system.

It's not that power corrupts -- it's that the power itself is a violation of natural rights. I own myself, and I own my rightfully-acquired property. Government does not have a superior claim to my body or my property. The institution of government itself IS the corruption.

Politicians and bureaucrats cannot be prevented from corrupting government because it is corrupt by definition. The types of people attracted to positions in government are those who enjoy the exercise of power; specifically, the power to violate the rights of others.

We do not need constant vigilance if we simply remove the problem. The problem is statism, and this worship of government. Statism is the most destructive religion there is, and it's taught to people practically from birth.

Capitalism is jewish usury.

> Capitalism is Usury. Its defining belief is ‘return on investment’. This is an extension of the ‘time value’ of money, which is the central tenet of modern economics. Capitalism is unthinkable without banking and banking is institutionalized Usury.

A good read (realcurrencies.wordpress.com)

[–] 0 pt

There is not a single "central tenet" of modern economics, and there are different schools of economics. So I'm not sure where one gets this idea.

Usury is one of those vague terms that gets thrown around just like "living wage". How much exactly does one need to make to earn a "living wage"? $10/hour? $20? It's a constantly shifting goalpost and anyone can make a valid argument for it to be higher or lower.

Usury is the same way. How much interest is "usurious"? How much is "unfair"? So long as no fraud is involved, a borrower consents to a certain rate of interest offered by a lender. He is not required to take the loan. No one has a gun to his head. He could choose not to pay a higher interest rate. If he chooses to do so, it's because he believes at the time that he takes that loan that he benefits from that rate.

Money does indeed have a "time value", and this is not even debatable. If someone offered you $100,000 ten years from now or $100,000 today, which would you choose? How about if someone offered you $100,000 ten years from now or $90,000 today? Or $80,000? Or less? How much less would you accept today in lieu of receiving a higher payout in the future?

That's all the time value of money is. It is the net present value of a future cash flow. The future cash flow has to be discounted by some rate to bring it down to its net present value. Conversely, the net present value has to grow by a certain interest rate in order to reach its future value.

  • Capitalism is Usury. Its defining belief is ‘return on investment’.

"Defining belief"? No, these are just random words strung together because the author is an ignorant rube. It's not a belief. It's a goal. When we give control of our money over to someone else, we want some kind of return on our investment. We do this every day when we go to work. We donate our time, our energy, and our skillset to an employer in exchange for a paycheck. That paycheck is worth more to us than the work we performed; otherwise, we would not have performed it. We earned a RETURN on our investment (our work).

If you don't want a return on your investment, then you should not be working for any more money than the absolute minimum that it would take you to be ambivalent about whether to work or stay home.

I'm not going to read and dissect the entire article, but the author clearly is confusing a government-created cartelized banking industry with capitalism. At some point, the ignorance is too much to bear. When someone has the entire internet, the largest repository of human knowledge every collected, from which to learn, and still puts out garbage like this...it's at times like this that I lose all faith in humanity.

[–] 0 pt

Your entire quote is wrong and jewish. ...banking is institutionalized Usury.

Flat wrong.

[–] 3 pts

Well…that nailed it.

[–] 2 pts

This is bullshit. It gives jews too much credit. They are not that smart, they are not that powerful and they are not that capable.

They are only good at parasitism. It is trivial to eliminate the parasitic threat, it starts with re-training our white people in the right skills.

[–] 1 pt

Pretty much, Jews are like vampires, they only have as much power and strength as WE the people let them have. That power is flimsy at best, which is why the Jew always crafts new ways to remain in power. Remember, the Jews literally torched the entire of Rome before they got kicked out, and then blamed Christians for it. That's how much they absolutely despise us

[–] 0 pt

They are cunning parasites. I'll give them that.

[–] 1 pt

Replace gangstas with paedophile satanists and hes spot on

[–] 0 pt

'we're bigger than Pittsburgh Steele'- Meyer lansky

[–] 0 pt (edited )

This was the guy behind almost all of it.


He wasn't eligible to be a made man since he wasn't Italian, so he definitely had (((powerful friends))).

As a jew he was vulnerable to a whack at any time. It never happened though. Makes you wonder.

[–] 0 pt

Holy fuck the jew accounts lept to this thread.