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[–] 2 pts

My dad thinks im brainwashed because I get my information from the Internet. He gets his information from the MSM. I get my information from hundreds of sources. Some good some bad, but I'm the one to decide. He gets his information from one source and believes it like it's the word of God and he will be smoten if he doesn't. This is embarrassing. Smells of a glownigger.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Your dad grew up in an age when the news wasn't so slanted, and he thinks that's the way it still is. Some people have trouble realizing that we're living in a different time now. I would introduce your father to a few uncensored news sites, and if you can talk him into spending a little time on research, he'll be red-pilled in no time.

[–] 1 pt

Haha, not sure how old your dad is, but my dad is 77. Can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Yeah, at that age, you might be fighting a losing battle. Lol