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[–] 1 pt

My son is preparing a show-and-tell for school and this is super useful!

[–] 0 pt (edited )

What did the krauts do in response to the kikes?

[–] 1 pt

Tried to give them their own country. They haven't stopped complaining about it since.

[–] 0 pt

I would love an expanded version of this with sources.

[–] 0 pt

A lot of these claims are outright false...

  • Hitler did not introduce the reichmark, that was the preceeding government.

  • He did not initiate the economic recovery, that was also the preceeding government

  • Hitler was very much a "tax and spend" leader, and his policies were causing a noticable bubble of inflation. If war had not broken out there would have been another crash, albeit not one as severe as had been seen previously.

  • The economic recovery did not come from mass government spending programs or any other Keynesian nonsense. It came from restoring sound money (the reichmark).

  • Germany already had strong family values, he didn't really need to restore much, just stop the jews from mocking it.

  • Banning unions and lockouts is probably a good move, centralising everything into a single labour monopoly was not. That kind of thing is begging for corruption.

  • Cracking down on crime: I'll take your word for it.

  • The winter relief fund was a front for rearmament. Same with the volkswagen coupon program. It might be argued that this was necessary to defend the nation, but it cannot also be argued that it was a charitable endeavour. It's also retarded to try to frame it's enforcement as a positive. No charity is so good that people should be prosecuted for failing to "donate." That's pure protection racket crap.

  • Nanny state anti-smoking stuff: Unnecessary and a shitty show of power. Advertisement works just as well for convincing people not to smoke.

  • Drunk driving: I'll take your word for it

  • Music bans/central planning: Culture doesn't need government enforcement.

  • Cheap loans for new families: Fine, but the core problem previously had been the unsound money and blockades. Those problems had already been solved by the time Hitler came to power.

  • Classless society: Non-problem. Only jews are obsessed by class as a means by which they can split nations apart. Social stratification is natural and inevitable. Class conflict is a jewish trick.

  • Volkswagen savings scheme: See above, it was a scam to fund rearmament. If all those people saving for volkswagens had ever actually had the time to cash in their savings card the government would have been screwed.

  • Homes "made available.": How exactly? If everyone is getting free homes then how are they being paid for if not by the families getting them?

  • Banning vivisection: I'll take your word for it, and fair enough. It has dubious scientific merit.

  • Environmental protection: Fair enough

  • Autobahn: Arguably part of the problem. The preceeding government rescued the economy by launching a new gold backed currency (the reichmark) and no longer paying for massive public spending programs by printing bills. Hitler reversed this policy, which would have caused another period of inflation had it not been for the war.

  • Innovations in film: A bit silly to argue this would not have happened without the NSDAP.

  • Fashion and sportwear: I'm pretty sure the germans would have had nice clothes without the NSDAP

  • Olympics: Bit of a white elephant.

  • Havaara agreement: Good call. I wish he'd pulled it off.

  • Banning nuclear weapons: This is false. However much Hitler may or may not have personally opposed nuclear weapons the german government did have a nuclear armament program. It simply was nowhere near the scale of the manhatten project.

  • Missiles: Gee whiz, you mean weapons technology advances whenever a war happens? Colour me shocked.

  • Restoring greater germany: Fair enough, versailles was a shitshow. Although his arrogance meant the gains were short lived.

  • Hitler spared the troops at Dunkirk: False. The blitzkrieg advance into France was hanging by a thread. Supply lines were so stretched that commanders like Guderian were stealing troops and equipment from other commanders in order to sustain his own advance. The attack on Dunkirk was called off because they did not have the resources to pull it off. Also no one believed the British were capable of evacuating that many troops, including the British. The general belief was that they would resort to peace talks using the trapped men as bargaining chips.

  • Refused to use gas: I'll take your word for it

  • "Strongest nation in five years." Germany's recovery was certainly impressive, and Hitler did play a major part in it. But they were a million miles from being the "strongest nation." The primary reason they succeeded so magnificently in the first few years of the war was because of innovations by young commanders such as Guderian and Mannstein. The moment the allies began replicating their tactics they were in serious trouble.

  • Various technologies: Many of these would have happened with or without the NSDAP. Just because something was invented in Germany during the 1940s does not mean the natsocs were responsible.

  • Inflatable sex doll: Are you being fucking serious here?

  • Architecture: Fair enough, many of the innovations within that field were steeped enough in natsoc culture that they may not have happened without their intervention, but that's a relatively minor point and I'm sure the Germans would have continued making beautiful buildings without them.

"No one in the history of mankin has achieved so much with so little as was achieved by the Nazis ("nazi" is a perjorative btw) / Adolf Hitler and probably never will."

They achieved a lot, but nowhere near as much as this laundry list claims. Even of the achievements which did coincide with their period of power most aren't directly attributable to it.

[–] 1 pt

You say culture does not need govt enforcement whole niggers twerk on cop cars

[–] 0 pt

No amount of culture policing will make niggers cultured.

[–] 0 pt

Well can we just police them?

[–] 0 pt

The economic recovery did not come from mass government spending programs or any other Keynesian nonsense. It came from restoring sound money (the reichmark).

I thought hitler used a work based currency to bring weimar out of ruins, and then later they slowly started to implement a gold backed currency.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I've seen that claim too, but I've never seen it substantiated. As described the claim sounded something like the soviet "work credit" system, where Gosplan would centrally decide on the prices for different types of labour, then anyone could use soviet currency to buy labour at that price.

The problem with that system is that central planners can never have enough knowledge to accurately set prices. For example, suppose a particular plumber has spent 30 years working on industrial water supply to factories, whereas another plumber just qualified and has only done domestic repairs in apartments. Supposedly their labour is equal, in practice one is significantly more valuable than the other, and the industrial plumber in high demand might not even remember how to braise small domestic pipes.

If that situation did occur then factory managers would have to start offering "benefits" to the industrial plumber to attract him to their jobs. Essentially reverting to market based pricing. This did end up happening in the soviet union where jobs with the best perks were in highest demand. For example, air mech positions on some of their jets were highly sought after as they had an ethanol based cooling system and the various roles had a fixed number of "water bottles" assigned to them: They would be allowed to take home a certain amount of alcohol depending on how senior they were.

In practice the currency arrangement Hitler inherited was a reasonable strong gold-backed reichmark and a secondary currency system by which the government were printing money for minor public works projects which they promised would be exchangeable for reichmarks. Essentially they were inflating the money supply, but doing it conservatively and in quantities they knew they would probably be able to cover through taxes.

Hitler massively expanded the money printing operation to pay for projects like the autobahn system and introduced a semi-secret tertiary currency which worked the same way but was used to fund rearmament. Again, arguably necessary given that germany had been literally invaded and looted by France at the peak of Weimar, but it wasn't some economic "miracle" which had no cost. He was funding his spending by massively reducing the value of the German people's savings, and eventually that would have incurred a hefty bill in the form of a recession. By the end of the inter-war period he was in a position where the NSDAP couldn't afford not to go to war.

Anyhow, I think that's where the "work based currency" claim comes from, it refers to public works and rearmament projects paying people with reichmark backed scrip.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks, Good reads

[–] 0 pt

I appreciate your evenhanded critique. It’s not ideal to be a blind fan, and equally bad to dismiss anything they accomplished.

[–] 0 pt

No problem. It was a very interesting time in history and Germany could have done a lot worse than to have uncle Adolf in charge. There is an unfortunate tendency to worship him as a saint and his policies as dogma though. Or even just invent policies he never backed, or in some cases opposed.

[–] 0 pt

Not only Germany but the rest of the World as well.

[–] 0 pt

Amazon had to tone down season 2 of the man in the high castle because people wanted to live in that world.

We won’t see a man like Hitler around for a long time. We treated the last one like shit.

[–] 0 pt

Honestly, that world is pretty much any majority white country. Go visit Austria, Switzerland, Germany (not Berlin or Hamburg), rural France... they all look like that. White people naturally produce order and beauty without anyone telling them. We don't need a Hitler to do it.

[–] 0 pt

We need a Hitler to protect it. That’s the problem.

[–] 0 pt

Or we need to grow a pair and protect it ourselves. It's easy to dispose of a hitler, bit harder to dispose of ten million pissed off white people.

[–] 0 pt

Can I get this in a pdf? I can't easily read the screenshot.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 0 pt

I up voted without reading. Based on the headline.

[–] 0 pt

They stole a wall of text in the form of a shitty picture that doesn't support screen readers and has to be scrolled side to side to read? Weird.