Watching a documentary about the Sackler family and how they started the opiod and you wouldn't believe how they try to dodge that they were Jews, even blaming drug addiction on Italians and Eastern Europeans
Neat! When does the documentary come out about the jews working with chinese selling vaccines for viruses they create? Have to watch that one, I can't believe HBO would through Sackler family under the bus.
It's kind of mystifying how they tried to blame the first organized crime on Italians despite Jews like Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel years before the Italian mafia. There was a pause when they talked about the Sackler family who originate from uh....Eastern Europe!
What a bunch of cocksuckers
As famous as the St Valentine's Day mass murder is no one seems to know it was done by a jew mob out of Detroit. The Purple Gang. Always Eastern Europe - Ask A Nazi jews.
Right, wasn't it Jewish gangsters that did 'Murder Inc'?,_Inc.
You would think that would be too good a name for a gangster movie to pass it up.
(post is archived)