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[–] 16 pts

Traumatic, he says. Translation, "We may have to kill all the Jews."

He is correct, the Big Jews care nothing for the little Jews, but at the same time depend on the tribal support of the little Jews whenever they are criticized openly and identified. It is this solidarity of the entire tribe that is damning them all, because they are collectively supporting a great evil that needs to end. The little Jews whine and blink and look around, saying, "Why are you doing this to me, I'm a victim." At the same time they are supporting in every way possible white genocide. The Big Jews use them as pawns and care nothing for them. The Big Jews are all psychopaths and always have been. How else could they do the evil things they do?

[–] 2 pts

There's no difference in wants of any jew, rich or not, sephardic, ashkenazi, or not.

The idea and claim there is, is a kike-controlled lie.

[–] 7 pts

Not every jew in the planet can be the puppetmaster.

Some jews just gargle bigger jew balls because why not.

Some jews don't and get thrown under the bus, like every group.

I still don't want any jews in the planet though. Just to be safe.

[–] 2 pts

The little jews know that if they finally get their way, they will live like kings.

[–] 4 pts

The problem with jews is this. They are a gypsies people who wanted controlled and stable power they are psychotic wandering tribe. Their religion is a major problem as well. I describe them as a parasite/virus hybrid their fucked up genetics the parasite side it makes them wandering con men tribal fucks liars story tellers evil evil fucks living off lies and other cultures... the religion is the virus it's the thing that made these psychological fucked up genetic fucks into these entitled we are the choosen ones who should rule with 1200 slaves a price type fucking evil pieces of shit.

They are not smarter then us they have no empathy and are born liars we play by moral rules they are like aliens who will do anything for power and to make their fantasy of being the choosen rulers come true. They stole all these ideas from the Egyptians stole their religion and dreamed of being pharaohs gods on earth with slaves and white Europeans seam to have been their perfect cattle sheople really

[–] 1 pt

Only real Jews deal in absolutes.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Leftists would say the same thing about white people though and their assessment would be accurate. Some of the richest psychopaths are white. That's why they advocate the extermination of the white race, it's the same logic you're deploying but from the other side of the identity political spectrum.

[–] 3 pts

Who cares what leftists think, they're just kike puppets.

[–] 4 pts

Leave it to the highest IQ in the world to sum up that situation in the best way I've ever heard.

[–] 3 pts

High level Jews keep mid and low level Jews in line by constantly harping on about 'muh holocaust' and making them think that another one is just around the corner.

[–] 2 pts

Unless the jews slaughter their own childraping elites, an actual Holocaust IS coming.

[–] 3 pts

He's right. Paste of previous comment.

This is what people need to understand. Everything is engineered. While one specific group uses their own as sword and shield, most unknowingly support evil because they are just as controlled. It's engineered by deception. Those who come to terms with this rise above it or simply don't play. As we all know, few can see the matrix. Even fewer who are Jewish.

Better understanding of why and how: https://poal.co/s/AskPoal/327665/d474a027-4e60-4881-a12e-3b7399e7f6da#cmnts

[–] 3 pts

>Langan's support of conspiracy theories, including the 9/11 Truther movement (Langan has claimed that the George W. Bush administration staged the 9/11 attacks in order to distract the public from learning about the CTMU) and the white genocide conspiracy theory, as well as his opposition to interracial relationships, have contributed to his gaining a following among members of the alt-right and others on the far right. Journalists have described certain of Langan's Internet posts as containing "thinly veiled" antisemitism and making antisemitic "dog whistles".

Never heard of the guy before but I like him already.

[–] 3 pts

Other related pics, videos, websites, articles and discussions of him:

Christopher Langan, America's Smartest Man, Speaks About the COVID Vaccine https://poal.co/s/Vax/378142

Alleged Smartest Man Says Vaccine is a Jew Death Plot, Unvaxxed Will be Rounded Up and Killed https://poal.co/s/DailyStormer/382131

Worlds Smartest man with a IQ of 210 urges resistance to Covid Vacc, ' Depopulation Agenda'. https://poal.co/s/QStorm/382738

Christopher Langan explains Vaccination and Kalergi Plan (part 1) https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/381903

Christopher Langan explains Vaccination and Kalergi Plan (Part 2) https://poal.co/s/TellPoal/381906

Christopher Langan on reality https://poal.co/s/Truthhurts/304926

Christopher Langan Interview 2019 https://poal.co/s/Interviews/281837

Christopher Langan - "There's definitely a conspiracy against White people in this country". https://poal.co/s/HDLunited/272439

Why White People are Hated - Chris Langan https://poal.co/s/Videos/260422

Christopher Langan (guy with 190+ IQ) says the darndest things. https://poal.co/s/Whatever/12372

The smartest Man in the world https://poal.co/s/Politics/312111

Writings by Chris Langan, the Smartest Man in the World https://poal.co/s/Whatever/237642

The Smartest Man In The World – IQ 200 – Is Convinced The U.S. Election Was Stolen. https://poal.co/s/Politics/233609 https://poal.co/s/News/232008

[–] 3 pts

My IQ test only went up to 150 (for a perfect score), but it's encouraging how much I agree with this guy.

[–] 1 pt


It's very sus that a guy is claiming to have the highest IQ in the world when I've never found a test that goes over 165 and know several people who've gotten the max.

[–] 1 pt

I have said before on this board that he is a self-promoter who is smarter than average but not likely as smart as he'd have you believe.

[–] 1 pt

141 here. He isn't really breaking any new ground, but I agree with him.

[–] 0 pt

142 here. Joined MENSA as a kid

[–] 2 pts

Thank you for this!

[–] 1 pt

You're welcome. I have seen others say they have never heard of him. I hope these might save others some time from doing searches related to him on here themselves to at least get them started.

[–] 3 pts

"Hurpa durpa, not all demons!" No dude. It's ALL demons. Always.

[–] 2 pts

This is clearly disinformation, since @Boone obviously has the highest IQ in the world.

[–] 2 pts

I let Chris have the official title because I don't like dealing with the press

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I couldn't have worded that any better on twitter, I attempted argumenting like that to some relatives and I had something along the lines of this in mind

[–] 2 pts

I hope his next tweet goes the Dr Malone (mRNA doc) route pointing out how much he loves life, and has no intention of self-harm.

[–] 2 pts

How this guy is not banned from twatter?

[–] 4 pts

200 IQ is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

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