Good points but tallest makes valid points as well I don't know for sure what his deal is. He thinks the jew has already won I think and he is fooled by disinformation as much as we are. My plan is simple
- Get fit get strong get healthy physically and mentally
- Get moral <agnochristo is what I call it
- Get out of debt get land out side of the cities
- Homestead grow enough food for you and two families
That's the basics live like modern Amish I still want internet movies etc just not jew shit make our own stuff how fast can a movment like this grow? Very fast
Great stuff. if tallest and the like are real & not glowies, they probably don't get that demoralizing & promoting hopelessness & inaction is part of their playbook that keeps people from taking action for the cause. Like in Asch conformity experiments, 1 dissenter from the group increases like %40 of the group's likelyhood of dissenting.
(post is archived)