"The Jews are behind anti-Christianity"
They were the "wolves" that came in and devoured the flock and its ORIGINAL MESSIANIC MESSAGE, hellenizing the text,
Act_20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
The very reason Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 by 95 A.D. warns that 5 of the 7 churches had departed so far from the ORIGINAL MESSIANIC MESSAGE those churches were worthy of death ... "THOSE THAT SAY THEY ARE JEWS AND ARE NOT" ... had altered the truth of the message.
What is called 'christianity' today is NOT the original messianic message. It was altered by a pagan jewish inspired hellenized pagan "INTERPRETATION", John 1:41, to keep the TRUTH FROM THE PEOPLE IT IS TO.
When the children of the devil offspring years later rebelled against Rome, both 66-70 a.d. general uprising and 132 - 136 a.d. with BarKohkba, this fueled an effort to distance connection to region and the old testament which these Edomite mongrel claimed jews had seized upon as theirs. By the time Constantine comes along, the original message is of little resemblance to the solar cult state religion formed, AND there is little chance it could return, with the general animosity built into the thinking as a result of these mongrel edomite claimed 'jews' doing as they had so often.
All christians are following a made up jewish hellenized fable to keep them from seeing the true RACIAL GENETIC MESSAGE of the ORIGINAL MESSIAH.
(post is archived)