I actually looked for her bush because I wanted to know what passes for gigantic bush around these parts,
I think youve just been watching too much porn and your standards have gotten a bit wonky.
Shes shown her bush in several movies it seems. In one it is a little shaggy. But that is normal bush. Its not running down her leg or anything. “Love Crimes”
Before the 90s when jewish hollywood pushed shaved and waxed bushes through porn, everybody wore a big bush.
I've just seen it in one. I think it was "pet detective" but I'm not sure. She was playing a he as well. anyway she used to be cute, but on "celebrity parasites" reality show she looked like a landscape worker who ENJOYED that life.
Bush size? Doesn't MATTER. NO BUSH is MY requirement. WAS. I'm not into that anymore at all. NEW perspective. NEW values. Life is BETTER this way. I can tell. Girls can do what they want, they have NO chance of entering my kingdom. Not even for a fruit smoothy.
I'm not into that anymore at all.
So you are a monk essentially. It is a proud and long tradition. It also can be a bit lonely. Perhaps you can one day appreciate a girl or a LADY or maybe just a BROAD as a FRIEND who is not trying to connive you out of fruit smoothies although I do like them, it kinda sounds good right now. ;-) :-p <= emojis to help give you the emotional cues that are implicitly conveyed in my response
yep, until I figure things out (forcing change of course) better. I NEVER get lonely (autistic you know). EVER. I'm ambivalent. WE (you and I) get along pretty well, I'm NOT hard to get along with, it's the COMPLICATIONS (smoothies, just leads to something that IS NOT). Aah, thanks...wink,,,plbbt (raspberry)...left indicator? Indicating as I "took" the preceding text. BUT, it could ALL end, JUST because you CHANGE your mind. I DEMAND routine(s). I am AGITATED by violation of my routines. It's NOT a power trip (OFTEN misunderstood) it's MY way. I have NO interest in "power". NONE. I just want SAMENESS, peace, comfort, ease...NOT thinking about (deciding) things that DO NOT matter to me (routine decisions) are things I DO NOT with to think about. Clothes? I wear basically the SAME thing EVERY day. Food? I eat basically the SAME few foods every day. etc. grad school (computer science) on FULL scholarship...eh? is what I use MY brain for. THAT does NOT interest MOST people. I don't care. PERHAPS WHY I NEVER get lonely. NOT in the cards for me.
Sex? BEEN there, DONE that. NOTHING to see. NOTHING to gain. PLENTY to LOSE. Same reasoning why I don't SKY DIVE.
(post is archived)