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This is an old Red Ice video from 2012 back when Henrik was doing the show solo and was more about interviews with people instead of him and his girlfriend/wife reading off the News of the Day and commenting on like Alex Jones and Mark Adams do.

This is an old Red Ice video from 2012 back when Henrik was doing the show solo and was more about interviews with people instead of him and his girlfriend/wife reading off the News of the Day and commenting on like Alex Jones and Mark Adams do.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

I don't floss so it's a perk for me

[–] 0 pt

I'm not a flosser either. I have flossed, but, fuck it, you know?

[–] 0 pt

Yeah. My ma is a dental assistant too. Could've fixed my one crooked english tooth, but I like it

[–] 0 pt

I had braces PLUS some kind of spreader in the roof of my mouth (had to actually crank it once ever few days), the retainers. 20 years later. the gap between my front teeth IS BACK AS before. $3K (at least) down the tubes for NOTHING.