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moved to jews did 9/11... like usual don't know how to run a website.

It's not even in the title and I only made a couple references to 9/11 even and it's about the globalist kikeling jews and/or globalist jews like donald j trump alone.


moved to jews did 9/11... like usual don't know how to run a website. It's not even in the title and I only made a couple references to 9/11 even and it's about the globalist kikeling jews and/or globalist jews like donald j trump alone. https://poal.co/s/JEWSDID911/158460

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

I said that to my best friend as an xbox live joke about how people lie online (just blowing off some steam).

The old my dad works for microsoft, apple, and linux even. My dad works for all three and he will get you banned on all 5 platforms that I just listed.

So many different ones over the years. Just found them stupid or funny when they did it though even though some were mad when I was a 15-16 year old white kid / white child myself at the time. I used to go 91-5 at times in call of duty especially MW2 later on when I'd just use the predator missile into harriets then a chopper gunner over and over again then kill myself with a claymore (why I had 5 deaths at times).

What are you even triggered about?

Plus that was while under the influence of mind control (the trap was set perfectly by them or the White Christian / White Catholic Founding Fathers of America alone - in the long run it will play out that way alone)... So that would be the delta operators ripping apart the marine core and the entire dod so they don't genocide their own white Christian / White Catholic kids / children to protect (((them))) or serve the globalist kikeling jews to kill their own white kids / white children / White Christian / White Catholic children in the end... So be it - so does it. I was an undercover black operations type myself by secret and/or basically forced to do it to prevent the problem from getting worse and worse due to who I am in The High Roman Catholic Faith alone and/or The White Christian / White Catholic Son of God and/or Man even at that point. So you are wasting my time at that point.

There you go... while under obama's white house... Goes back to the bush era (10th grade - age 15 - to keep me safe only) to as well if not right around the time of the clinton era to as well.


I'm a mind control victim alone due to how dangerous this all was alone and so I didn't get kidnapped by (((them))) or the drug cartels since they do or use devil core shit (core of the devils) or demonic type shit like the devil core. That devil could of won that way alone... They are "devil dogs" or "dogs of the devil" after all.


If satan shit is at the top... and the devil cartels are satan shit. it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out at that point why they put a chip in my head to help protect me from the devil alone...

why the alien greys had to put a chip in my head or the devil greys in a secret alien medical experiment to help keep me safe for the most part so this entire future could play out and keep us White Christian / White Catholics safe in the west alone.

The nephilim king allowed it (forcably) and the humans were allowed to watch over the chip so I never died at that point. God would see all at taht point to as well or see what I was seeing.

That way the devil cartels could never get me or take me with them down south of the border alone since I'm a high value target and/or extremely high value target as God's Left Hand Man here on Earth during Satan's Reign and/or The Devil's Reign. Kind of why I have my pure core side to as well.

Here you go to as well... Ended in 2018 alone.



Illuminated (devil's illumanti included to as well - this is the end of the synagogue of satans reign to as well and/or Devil's Reign or Satan's Reign - they are enslaved to hell forever now - bound to hell that is for now alone at least unless they start saving their souls here on Earth - always funny because God - Lord our God from The Holy Bible already knows the truth alone through Omniscience, Omnipresence, and/or just being Omnipotent (All Powerful - ruling over The Heavens - all you are trying to do is trying to infiltrate The Heavens and/or God's Animal Kingdom of the heavens alone (you can have some devil jew snakes alone at that - God can make them fall with promises of hope alone about the future) - depends which side is doing it from God is Good to the devil is satan and is all tyrannical and/or wicked alone at times...


Devil or Satan had his fun torturing me at times VIA mind controlling chip technology (when he got his access or thy access over the years - make me more well rounded as an adult for all of this shit going on alone in the end), but now it's Jesus Christ's Reign and/or Etc alone again though. It's already transitioned over again.

They or whoever protected me as well as they could over the years alone (wasn't perfect since I was tortured over the years alone via that same mind controlling chip technology - why you don't trust government - they can torture you if you say anything deemed "racist" to as well via that same mind controlling chip technology though to as well as the years pass on - "blacks are evil bastards" - they can torture via mind controlling chip technology alone over the years due to that alone (black on white crime - blacks are evil bastards - government can torture you for what they deem as "racist" or say is "racist" at that point. Everyone will just think you are racist while you laugh at times with how they know about man and/or reality going on alone right now though to so there is that......)... I still had to go through pain and suffering like Jesus Christ alone at a young age during the end of the Devil's Reign and/or Satan's Reign alone at that point.

roswell was satan's recipe of (((alien grey))) technology or satan's recipe of technology to simply put it.

Bring that into the government during his reign of Earth (Satan or Devil's Reign that is) and/or tenure that is.

Germans had extremely advanced technology to well (for their time as well)...


reptilians or nephilim - both waring devil families and/or ruling devil families. reptilians are literally the snakes and/or (((Devil's))) themselves while nephilim are fallen angels before that time happens from the Biblical passages or biblical quotes alone.

alien greys = technology - they handle technology.

alien greys alone and/or the minions of the devil or devil's minions of technology alone...

clip below or clip(s) that is...



illumination... illuminated... either way to as well...


built the design for this originally in high school which was given to the federal government. Saying it was easy to design stuff like that when I was 15 in the 10th grade or so alone... Not easy to fill it out nothing to do with the back end just the design itself that is.


Extremely advanced sci-fi concepts, technologies, and/or etc by the time I was age 25 or age 26 with the hybrid chain technology (wormholes, time travel, raw distance travel, and/or etc alone in a massive chain of 5,000+ or so to avoid detection for one attack alone if not as an escape to as well with dragon skin force fields (50 layer thick) protecting the ship itself alone to as well as a starting example.

dragon skin which comes from chain mail originally actually.

interwoven chain mail basically or interwoven chain mail force fields that is (50 layers thick to help protect the ship that is).



Wanted it to be more non-lethal though (scared of hell completely - 10th grade if not age 15 that is. - why I specified non-lethal long range surveillance or something like that.). more or so my design at age 15.


non-lethal and why The Holy Bible always came first to me personally... This scene alone below personally or why it's just stupid sci-fi shit alone at times that I write. Just extremely advanced concepts alone at that point.


Honestly if not just this at times. Be careful what you give the government. Why I prefer non-lethal 24/7 if not just some stupid sci-fi shit that's kind of cool to as well that is extremely advanced in theory and/or concept for that matter. I'm extremely White Christian if not extremely White Catholic at times. I couldn't like harry potter and/or etc growing up or all that dark arts magic type stuff, but I could get into math and/or mathematics though. Any wizard was a math wizard.

Benjamin Franklin.



6:34 alone (when watching this type of content growing up and such alone or viewing it) - extremely intelligent math wizards, but never a real one due to the Catholic Faith and/or White Christian / White Catholic Faith alone that is.

can't be a devil wizard like that at 6:34, but can be extremely intelligent math wizard that is... Can do math that is, but still got to be careful to as well.

Since neutron stars (space or nasa is safe right? - right?!?!?!? - maybe if done a certain way...) are extremely dense + nuclear material(s) alone - if not other stuff obviously to as well. Talking about taking out entire solar systems at that point if not much more to me personally if you could condense them down to that if not much much further down to create some type of weapon in my sci-fi world that takes out entire solar systems alone if not much further than that alone.

neutron stars seem extremely safe at first to study or learn about, but later on you can find the dangers alone if not how dangerous that could be alone.


Eventually it just gets to the point to read The Holy Christian / Catholic Bible to try to understand spirituality if not Emotional Intelligence completely since it's just total domination and/or total destruction at some point (I have domination vs. destruction theory alone as well). Still have to be human at times though to as well since it's not easy to live 100% by The Holy Bible alone (white only though for now at least).