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jew leftist devilrat / demonrat (democrat) trump or just (((Jew leftist / democrat trump)))



remember when jews and such tried to take over the west or (((they))) did and we all laughed?

remember when the jews and such if not international jewish bankers did 9/11 and we all laughed?

jews are saudis in bed during 9/11 alone - they were in bed during the 1980s alone.


15/19 saudis alone + the jews or (((them))) / international jewish bankers to as well to send soldiers over to die to build central banks that is...


Remember when afghanistan and/or iraq happened plus other places to build central banks and the soldiers died and we all laughed?

(((jewish leftist trump))) = demoncrats or devilrats - note: that is.

Why I don't expect anyone to laugh at times (comedy is for the most part dead completely even if just at times - not easy for everyone to handle this type of stuff alone). I'm just really used to this. I knew about the General George S. Patton papers and such back in high school alone and had to live in this world the entire time and just learn to laugh at times at the hellish future we are going to do alone or dark hellish future we are going to alone at times... I had a dark childhood at times alone due to that type of stuff (knowing all that back in high school alone - 15 or so years ago roughly)..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixdkXoIjGfQ

There's a reason General George S. Patton reached 5 star general.



Here you go...


Might find other quotes to as well (during satan's / devil's reign alone) - Here's one from a Ford.


or this one to as well - Notice Christian / Catholic cross which is anti-semitic to (((them))) or jews alone - why (((they))) needed anti-semitic hate speech laws on college campuses alone. Look up milton kapner if not convinced. All he did was follow Jesus Christ and become a Christian and now he's anti-semitic or on the (((adl))) watch list. That's any Christian / Catholic that's anti-semitic then since anti-semitic hate speech laws protect (((Them))) or (((the antichrist))) for that matter...


Read Revelations 3:9 (jews are lower than animals - General George S. Patton realm alone) to as well alone if not 1 John 2:22 for further information on that one alone...

I said the jews would drop 100,000,000 white Christians / white Catholics like nothing in America... I wasn't joking. They'd kill 100,000,000+ White Christians / White Catholics like nothing alone...

(((jewish bolshevik leftist jew trump antifa type with all his (((cultural marxism))) alone over the years is caught and busted on this one alone)))






jew leftist devilrat / demonrat (democrat) trump or just (((Jew leftist / democrat trump))) https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/12/11/mark-levin-donald-trump-the-first-jewish-president-of-the-united-states/ https://www.thoughtco.com/was-donald-trump-a-democrat-3367571 --- remember when jews and such tried to take over the west or (((they))) did and we all laughed? remember when the jews and such if not international jewish bankers did 9/11 and we all laughed? jews are saudis in bed during 9/11 alone - they were in bed during the 1980s alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ9r8LMU9bQ 15/19 saudis alone + the jews or (((them))) / international jewish bankers to as well to send soldiers over to die to build central banks that is... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijackers_in_the_September_11_attacks --- Remember when afghanistan and/or iraq happened plus other places to build central banks and the soldiers died and we all laughed? (((jewish leftist trump))) = demoncrats or devilrats - note: that is. --- Why I don't expect anyone to laugh at times (comedy is for the most part dead completely even if just at times - not easy for everyone to handle this type of stuff alone). I'm just really used to this. I knew about the General George S. Patton papers and such back in high school alone and had to live in this world the entire time and just learn to laugh at times at the hellish future we are going to do alone or dark hellish future we are going to alone at times... I had a dark childhood at times alone due to that type of stuff (knowing all that back in high school alone - 15 or so years ago roughly)..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixdkXoIjGfQ There's a reason General George S. Patton reached 5 star general. https://izquotes.com/quotes-pictures/quote-in-the-second-place-harrison-and-his-ilk-believe-that-the-displaced-person-is-a-human-being-which-george-s-patton-258445.jpg https://th.bing.com/th?id=OIP.ueQTfziubcOPtHLG1h_3uwHaFs&pid=Api&rs=1 --- Here you go... https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=general%20george%20s.%20patton%20on%20the%20jews%20quotes&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=general%20george%20s.%20patton%20on%20the%20jews%20quotes&sc=0-43&sk=&cvid=8C5A5025601244C39DD32BE2C79D3081 --- Might find other quotes to as well (during satan's / devil's reign alone) - Here's one from a Ford. https://www.quotemaster.org/images/6a/6ae47d6c361388a0d759b84b03cfa692.jpg --- or this one to as well - Notice Christian / Catholic cross which is anti-semitic to (((them))) or jews alone - why (((they))) needed anti-semitic hate speech laws on college campuses alone. Look up milton kapner if not convinced. All he did was follow Jesus Christ and become a Christian and now he's anti-semitic or on the (((adl))) watch list. That's any Christian / Catholic that's anti-semitic then since anti-semitic hate speech laws protect (((Them))) or (((the antichrist))) for that matter... https://pics.me.me/i-did-not-join-the-us-army-die-for-22716160.png Read Revelations 3:9 (jews are lower than animals - General George S. Patton realm alone) to as well alone if not 1 John 2:22 for further information on that one alone... --- I said the jews would drop 100,000,000 white Christians / white Catholics like nothing in America... I wasn't joking. They'd kill 100,000,000+ White Christians / White Catholics like nothing alone... (((jewish bolshevik leftist jew trump antifa type with all his (((cultural marxism))) alone over the years is caught and busted on this one alone))) https://theduran.com/antifa-is-a-terrorist-group-in-the-blood-soaked-bolshevik-tradition/ http://www.renegadetribune.com/murdered-66-million-russians/ https://rense.com/general77/bols.htm https://concisepolitics.com/2016/08/19/jewish-bolsheviks-mass-murdered-66-million-mostly-christians-in-russia/ https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZLBR&pc=MOZI&q=white+genocide+professor

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Yeah whatever you moronic fucktard

You and I know little morons like you always need the last comment to feel cock sure... Like proper retards and their participation trophies...

And since I'm a very generous man... I let you have it, out of sheer christian charity....

You lose again btw, double checkmate, you're fucked

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

well played I guess... you know the location.

Found a random image no one will know. The file will be handed over or transferred then on all of this alone. My guys will be there like usual. It exposes all of this alone.


perfect - just needed another useful idiot like usual. The stream... The viewer knew to go to make a move. The files are in the right hands now and they are exiting the city completely right now (usually less than 10 minutes).

It explains all of this like usual............................................ sigh..............................................


prague was real it was a video game... this entire scenario doesn't make sense - one day it will. The video below is real and fake at the same time in multiple directions alone. There is no secret prague level. There is no secret cow level... Why PsyHackers always win (don't get distracted) and it's kind of fun to argue sometimes.


I love useful random idiots on the internet. They are easy to use for transfers alone. Feed the trolls to get information across borders alone...

time 22:35


literally never happened... literally

Feeding the trolls to get information across borders in secret through streams alone. Like taking candy from a troll that is just giving it to you.

everyone is distracted that it's the russians or not the russians...

while the international jewish bankers and such alone rob them blind time and time again........ sigh...........

it's too stupid for anyone to believe.

these three alone...




false alarm guess I was just a keyboard warrior....

but again.......... it's all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out though..... just be careful which one that is though....



well yes...

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

great talk by the way (just got done reviewing what you said). after the whole yelp reviewer thing didn't work out I went into online reviews of the evil nasty trolls like you and you panned out (you were fun though I have to admit this since my review is coming up at my company that doesn't hire blacks or asians (mexicans - it got terrible after they had to wait by the border for one to jump over so that was not race related, but blacks were) alone - we do online reviews obviously. you did well. you should practice more though.

7.5+ if not 8 stars out of 10.


you did well in trying to disable me with your online discourse and/or offensiveness alone.

8/10 out of 10. You did well. I admit it this time.

also the information has been delivered safely to the clock tower (which wasn't in london obviously).

FULL 88 NATSOC revolution is ready...


Once it hits 88 this happens.....


einstein (dog) = dumb as a dog. full natsoc revolution is here.

start both videos at the same time to get the natsoc revolution...

no sound - watch this video.


