I agree. Lots of Churches are robotic and fake and not genuine in their walk with Christ; God wants to have a relationship with people, for it to be real, not religious observances but fellowship with their maker, that's what i want to have and that's what David Wilkerson has. God's heart breaks for people, for you and HE wants to know you.
God Protect You brother.
Another kind response much appreciated. I went to a small church down the street last year and after was sitting talking to a woman that was around 60+ or so a bit older than myself and we were having a nice talk and her daughter started freaking out about trump and you could tell she was making stuff up. Well I didn't go back since she kind of freaked me out acting like that while still in church and her mother seemed very uncomfortable and the other women also just all became quiet. I felt like she didn't understand the meaning of the church since I was young Jesus was a person of great compassion and love and he didn't rage in the house of his father except when the money lenders were present. I think I might try the other church instead this time after reading and preparing myself since no effort seems to be the sign of not earning a place and no caring enough to even try a little.
Yes lots of churches have dropped the ball and allowed women and their emotionality to run rampant. Keep looking for a church. But even more important; get into the WORD. Read God's Word, understand the heart of God, pray to him in Jesus' name and with repentance and ask for him to guide you to where he wants you to be. You're right Jesus never raged in his fathers house; because anger isn't from God, it comes from Satan, when you see this you are right to be wary, people that dont have love and self-control are not servants of God. I pray you continue your search; the remnant is everywhere, God will lead you to them
God be with you.
(post is archived)