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[Every single aspect of MASS IMMIGRATION is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/2nzQdm.jpg) [jewry is at the core of the anti-White narrative](https://pic8.co/sh/QbLVoH.png) [Every Single Aspect of Anti-White Hate is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/k7wsTF.jpg) The rabbi hole goes even deeper >> https://poal.co/s/GoyimTV/661875
[–] 4 pts 15d

Sorry there sidnards, I don't need Chinese or Iranian money to hate the H1B program. I do it for free because I see how it guts the IT industry in this country.

[–] 2 pts 15d

I am surprised they didn't include Russia because.. reasons.

Yeah, I call bullshit on this. The H1B program is actively hurting the USA, not helping it.

[–] 3 pts 15d

The H1B program also actively benefits the jews.

[–] 2 pts 15d

They've probably been asking chat chapati for help.

[–] 2 pts 15d

Sounds like Russian disinformation

[–] 1 pt 15d

Could be, but pajeets hate chinks for being more successful and muslims, so it's likely true.

[–] 1 pt 15d

Heh. No. Not Ametican. Just an interloper.

We are not "his people".

And he absolutely is not Ours.