Could be worse. They might be noncy mohommadan mudslugs, yodeling 'alla-balla-wallah-whack-a-bar" at random moments, and saying in their own language "look, a brothel" whenever they pass a kiddie day-care center.
The sand nigger invasion will get ramped up after they take our guns. Towel heads are really good with the knife slashings.
Their mosques are regular arms-dumps. Plenty of new weapons fresh from Afghanistan to carry on migration jihad. Thanks, Pedo Joe! The child-rape is just as much about demoralization of the enemy as the slaking their filthy, degenerate, mohommadan lusts. If mohommadans succeed in making the world in their image, then it's goodbye all civilization, and the human race will evolve back into chimps: "allah-ook ook-barr!"
And box cutters apparently
(post is archived)