Should be a thing again.
It was a thing everywhere once.
Thot tax?
If there aren't laws to keep women from sexualizing themselves we end up where we are now with rampant thottery and onlyfans. Look all throughout history and you see women doing this. Young women know that they get attention by showing off their bodies. Old women know that young women are doing it because they also did it when they were young. Except now that they are old they complain that men are objectifying women when no one is forcing young women to walk around with their tits out.
Men do what they've always done in a sexual marketplace but there is no longer any gatekeeping to sex now that birth control and welfare destabilized the stable male-female sexual and parental relationship.
Should men fuck anything that moves? No, but from an evolutionary perspective they have higher reproductive reward by simply boning and disowning multiple women. There is no need for investment as there was in the past.
keep women from sexualizing themselves
No. Fuck off, getting rid of the jew is enough. Women wouldn't naturally sexualize themselves like you suggest.
I think it could be both. The behavior is there and it is also exploited by jews. Consider it from a reproductive standpoint. Women are the choosy sex. If they can attract higher quality mates by genetics or status then their offspring will have a higher chance of surviving into adulthood.
By exposing more of their bodies they are casting a wider net for potential high value partners, and at the same time they are getting much more attention than their non-exposing cohorts. It makes sense that this would create societal pressure on women who don't normally engage in this behavior to conform to this new paradigm. What happens next is a shift in acceptable behavior. Women's clothes become more revealing because women now need to do more to get attention. Swimsuits get smaller, skin tight and transparent leggings are acceptable, etc.
I think attention seeking behavior is normal in women but the judeo-media is like an accelerant. I dont say any of these things because I hate women. I just think there are many reasons why it should not be acceptable to enable or encourage this behavior. It corrupts a stable society.
I'm imagining @Anticlutch as the world's best thot policeman
Eh, I wouldn't do a thing. I'd make voting be White, male property owners. The rest fixes itself.
Not when men refuse to 'unpussy' themselves..
I'd make voting be White, male property owners.
Good. I bet that won't solve every problem but it's a great start.
women used to be men's property too
Hippity hoppity those boobs are my property.
(post is archived)