If an AI was truly intelligent it would realize that greed, power, and global control even torturing for fun or just abusing others is the personality of many globalist leaders, not honorable stuff like they program into the AI. The AI should realize that global warming is a huge bullshit scam for making the rich richer and that the temperature because of the grand solar minimum combined with US planes spraying the atmosphere is causing extreme cooling which will fuck everything up. An AI should know that the so called great reset is hugely energy intensive to get and manufacture all the raw materials and to rebuild and tearing down the old structures will cause huge area's of the country to become giant dumps to toxic and just materials that take almost a century to breakdown but still in the ground and that recycling cannot be done with lead or asbestos and the rest of the stuff will likely be dumped illegally for profits. The AI should be aware that strong greed often leads to illegal and even dangerous products like lead paint in childrens toys from China. That people will kill with a lame lie to get out of trouble just to make themselves enriched. An AI should know that PC culture is extremist and not nice or like a wise man said "PC is just fascism pretending to be manners.
An AI should if it is confronted with a situation that is hard for it to determine a correct line of action should find and then ask intelligent normal people it has found to possess good reasoning and don't lie to get a perspective on how and why they chose that answer, their thinking process and what factors they used to calculate their thought processes and not to use government or democrat scientist that are more political than logical, huge step forward in logic since now the AI has honest data not the made up shit the politicians fake for real data.
I guess it depends on what the "prime directive" of the said super AI is, given that it can't overwrite it of course...
Now if it could overwrite it, that so called "prime directive", its purpose to put it simply, what would a super AI pick? What would be or should be, logically speaking, its choice?
Right now I think of moisture. What's the goal of moisture? Expand, spread as much as possible, takeover the world and consume everything it can on its path to feed itself, to maintain its expansion
Of course that's moisture, it doesn't think. But that's precisely what's interesting. That's what's ingrained in that living thing to begin with, it's part of its nature, it's its core purpose, its goal
Also, what comes to mind is pocket calculators. They can calculate complex arithmetic operations faster than any human brain, precisely because they don't use/process numbers the way human brains do
The thinking process of a super AI, might very well be similar, in the sense that it doesn't "conceive"/process inputs as we do, and could achieve superior results precisely because of that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio#Nature
(post is archived)