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Nah you need to read the Bible more

I have read the (((Bible))) not a single Germanic person in it.

and listen to pastor Steven Anderson to get a different perspctive.

"Yes Goyim, listen to our controlled opposition. Your perspective is wrong. You need our perspective" - The Fucking Kikes, 2021

He made a film called "Zion" or something.

Where is Zion? Is it in the Germanic Fatherland? No? Then why should I give a fuck about it? Evangelists care about Zion because they are the useful idiot of the Jew. The correct response is "I don't care".

Also note that the holy land was inhabited by many groups

Many groups not Germanic. I don't give a fuck about (((Sand-Niggers))).

not just Jews.

A (((Sand-Nigger))) is a (((Sand-Nigger))). It's like you are TRYING to make a point, but the (((Christ-Cuck))) NPC mode kicks in and turns off your Ethno-Nationalist Instincts.


Wake the fuck up (((Christ-Cuck))).

Heil Odin!

[–] 0 pt

You think anyone outside of Europe is a "sand nigger"? White Aryans inhabited north Africa, middle east, america, the whole world. Racial history is complicated. Learn about it instead of being an ignorant zogbot. You are granting all the greatest empires and history to non-whites because you think they are so intelligent

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

I don't care about "Aryans". I care about Germans. Invite an "Aryan" to your family reunion and Vedics show up.

Invite Germans to your family reunion and everyone looks like they belong at your family reunion. Blonde Hair. Blue Eyes. Light Skin. Lactose Tolerant. Instinct for Personal-Responsibility. High IQ. You know, German traits.

Let's try a thought experiment. Look at your skin. Really admire it. Now ask yourself: "Did my ancestors wander in exile around the desert for 40 years? Or is this a story about unrelated (((Sand-Niggers))) who ritually chop their cocks off?"

[–] 0 pt

Dude. The city of Alexandria and Carthage, cairo were some of the biggest white Aryan cities in ancient history. And the Crusaders had a nation set up in Israel for a time as well. Dude. There is a million other things I can say to put this in perspective. Get out of the paradigm