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[–] 9 pts

Note to self: don't get sick in India. Addendum: don't fucking GO to India.

[–] 4 pts

You won't have to go. India will come to you instead. JD Vance the race mixer and orange kike Trump will make sure of it.

[–] 2 pts

I spent a good amount of time in India back in the day.

Met up with a family friend who was over there, a girl I grew up with. Incredibly smart, one of the smartest women I have ever known.

She was captain of the chess team when we were growing up, and grew up to be a competent lesbian lawyer.

Regardless, she looks exactly what you would expect a competent chess-playing lesbian lawyer would look like.

Skinny, scraggly skinny, with a pinched asymmetrical face that looks like she got smacked with a shovel during her developmental years, and extremely thick, almost opaque, coke-bottle glasses.

But she had blonde hair.

Not even good blonde hair. Thin, frizzy, blonde hair.

Growing up with her, I had never heard a single person compliment her physical appearance.

But when we would walk through the shit-covered streets and markets, it was absolutely insane, she would turn head after head of all the Indian men. The vile lust they looked at her with...

As far as I can tell, it was just the color of her hair. But it was very confusing.

I have a lot of love for this woman, but she is a very physically ugly human.

But the Indian men just didn't care.

[–] 3 pts

A girl that is so ugly she could scare flies off of a shit wagon is still able to turn on pajeets. They would fuck a pile of rocks if they thought there was a snake in there.

[–] 1 pt

Terrifying stuff. I wonder how a blonde-haired (or even a light brown-haired) White fella would be received, but I have a feeling I don't want to know.

[–] 1 pt

I mean, they always look at white people, as you are a novelty where ever you go, but it really depends where you are.

In Delhi, there are more white people, so it isn't that uncommon, they more view you as a money vending machine, so beggars will ask you money, rickshaw drivers will fight over you, people will try to sell you shit and offer you ridiculous prices and such. More of an annoyance that anything. But the upper class 'jeets like having a white person around. It shows how 'wealthy' and 'connected' they are. I attended a dance party in Dehli once, one called 'Drop Beats, not Bombs', which was ostensibly protesting the war in Iraq. Some photographer asked to take a picture of me and a white girl I was with. The next day our photo was on page 5 of the Hindustan times. Not for being notable in any way, just a couple of white people at a party.

Smaller, less metropolitan cities, people will actually stare at you, and make ridiculous assumptions.

And in the country it gets really weird.

[–] 3 pts

My God, it's real: https://www.thepublica.com/india-man-dies-after-being-thrown-out-of-an-ambulance-while-trying-to-stop-the-driver-from-molesting-his-wife/

Archived link: https://archive.is/HIVkM

If there is one nation that's been forsaken by God, it's without a doubt this one, which is somewhat ironic given how many gods are worshipped there (including the Abrahamic ones).

[–] 0 pt

Evidently, they also have private third party 'ambulance' operator companies.

Sign on the ambulance - 'ICU on Wheels', lol, it was for the husband.

[–] 2 pts

If the driver was molesting his wife, who was driving?

[–] 2 pts

The husband

[–] 2 pts

And they supposedly have nukes.

[–] 0 pt

They'll nuke your wife's downstairs.

[–] 0 pt

"No you are the fucking!"

[–] 0 pt

More of a splatter than a nuke ....

[–] 2 pts

I have no doubt that as soon as the man hit the street and died, he was promptly shit on multiple times.

[–] 1 pt

Glorious. Worthy addition to my dotnigger collection.