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[–] 4 pts

Can we have a list of the 16?

[–] 1 pt

What do you mean by "we"?

[–] 4 pts

Poal, just we small faggots, insisting on sources and shit.

[–] 0 pt

Funny. I would have thought it would be higher. I mean, between the most recent stuff that we know about and see happening almost in real time, and then going back and correcting the historical score for shit that we are only just now finding out about, and I mean just for, say, the last 100 years or so, I would have guessed way higher.

Like "lol btfo" higher.

I'm old enough to remember when the lag between "conspiracy theory" and "proven fact" was measured in years. Then it started accelerating. Now it's down to just days. Maybe they should just stop calling them "conspiracy theories" and call them what they really are. "Spoilers".

[–] 2 pts

I just saw all these memes in the power line post

[–] 2 pts

weewoo weewoo meme police

[–] 3 pts

pee pee poo poo

[–] 1 pt

Anyone have the list he's referring to?

Because I can assemble a list of conspiracy theories that are 0/1,000.

The 16 number is only correct if it is the same exact group who only made 16 predictions and got all 16 of those predictions correct. And if such a group exists, hot damn, I'd love to see their work.

Does the list include Q's military Tribunals or the vaccinated all dropping dead within months? Does it include Obama declaring martial law and putting us all in Fema camps?

[–] 1 pt

It would be cool to have a list of the conspiracy theories which have proven true alone with sources for each one in something of a meme format.

Alas I’m not talented enough to put this together and my back is out right now causing me massive pain so I can’t do this at the moment.

Can anyone else have a stab at it? I imagine if it’s good enough and shareable enough it might make its was to the MSM.

[–] 1 pt

God damned jew trying to get the white man to do all his work. Shame.

[–] 0 pt

Whats the point. When voat got taken down we lost thousands of houra of well crafted and sourced memes. No one bothered to archive and now we have lost it all.

[–] 0 pt

They know that we know. At this point, it's just a humiliation ritual.

[–] 0 pt

wait till you motherfuckers learn about deep underground caverns inside the earth that are bigger than texas

and we know jack shit about them

But ancients claimed lizard people came out of the earth at night to feed on blood of children.

[–] 0 pt

It's a meme, but let's make a list. I'll start:


  1. Wuflu was from a bio-lab and not a wet market.
  2. Wuflu was funded by US tax dollars.
  3. Ivermecten is a superior drug that would have saved 500K lives.
  4. The clot shots are dangerous and each booster compounds your odds of problems.


  1. Hunter's laptop is real, not Russian disinfo.
  2. The hooker story was a a DNC hit piece, not Russian disinfo.
  3. Obama was born in Kenya.
  4. DNC voter fraud in Georgia / Arizona?. (I haven't been following this one.)

... there's 8 off the top of my head to get started ...