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[–] 0 pt 4mo (edited 4mo)

This is to try to prevent them from being deportable, because "mUh cITiZeNsHiP lol"

This actually helps Us to advocate for the United States as White Ethnostate. It will encourage division and rivalry as tribalism.

Her jew handlers are thinking beyond the election, because they know she will lose. They're presuming they'll have control via propaganda, (((public education))), and control of the (((newa media))).

(((They)))'re settling in for a trench war over the next decade.

What they can't control, and what they can't handle, is Our plans, and Our goals, which are far more comprehensive, much deeper, then they would understand even if it were explained to them.

These filthy fucking kikes are headed for an unsustainable result. They'll be under far more control by Us than they'll be able to survive. Their persecution fantasies won't save them. Nothing will save them.

Because they will not be saved.