Imagine there's no cops. All the White citizens are armed. All the time. Every White man, woman and child. (Obviously , the child would have to prove itself capable of handling a firearm. I did, when I was a child.) Just play along for the moment and read on.
No more frivolous wrongful death lawsuits when armed citizens are forced to defend themselves against illegal aliens and various shades of browns.
Now imagine how different this should be: The illegal alien would have been stopped by an armed citizen much closer to the boarder he illegally crossed when he committed a felony by crossing. Sure, could have been in a vehicle the whole time, but eventually, he would stop. Drunk illegal alien gets out of a vehicle for the last time.
We should have an all White, self policed society. This way- these woman would never be in a dangerous situation like this. A few weeks of "self policing" and the rest of the world would cease commiting felonies by illegally crossing our boarders.
Now, realize, this was exactly the way it was meant to be from the founding of our country. There is no mention of a police "force" of any kind in the founding papers of the United States of America. None. It should have been the citizens all along.
It's not that I don't like cops, I just want equal rights, as a citizen. I want the "extra rights and protections" the cops have. Like it should have been all along.
I did another TED talk, thanks for coming.
(No proofread)
(post is archived)