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[–] 4 pts

So now that it is clear that your country is under attack, what are people doing to defend it?

[–] 1 pt (edited )

It's the jewSA. People do nothing and simply follow instructions and rules created by leftists. Something needs to give and Civil War 2 needs to happen. Left vs Right.

[–] 2 pts

Because they don't want to risk stealing another one, but they have nothing but misery and death planned for White Americans.

They have no ideas that benefit Whites, because they know that Whites know that they hate Us.

They're not even trying to lead. They're just trying to control.

Their kike handlers and the (((swamp creature))) bureaucrats are fucking terrified of being held accountable, while they believe they're entitled to the families, lives, and money of White People.

"Democrats" are nothing more than petty, insolent cowards who want control. They want a place to hide, and they think being in control affords them this self-entitlment.

They would very much like to win a legitimate election, by fraudulent means, when they can't steal an election by fraud.

They are literally begging to be obliterated in a real American Civil War.

And they don't even realize it.