And I really don't mean it as a slight on @Madazzahat , but I'm using that as an example as how the point system can be gamed.
You're right. But it is meaningless in the end. It would be up to the admins though to correct it. So I'll just leave it there.
but I'm using that as an example as how the point system can be gamed.
This argument falls flat because, say it with me now, "there IS no game". After you hit, I think, yellow, Poal's doors are pretty much open to you, right? You honestly should try reddit, lots of people there like to bitch and moan about karma farming, not realizing that it's honestly meaningless. reddit puts what it wants on it's front page, you do realize the whole fucking site's sponsored, right? That's why they shut down that porn poster. If they can't profit, they ban you. Again, I may be wrong, but sounds to me like you're trying to discourage posting here.
You might be right. Maybe I should just be blocking jokes from my front page.
Maybe I should just be blocking jokes from my front page.
I totally support blocking users and/or subs. I really believe that the only one who should be deciding what you see, is you.
Anyways, I post because I can. When I have downtime, I post like mad because I'd really like to see this place grow and overshoot other places. And also because I'm fucking nuts. But back to the thing, if you blocked Hawaii and Jokes, you be missing half of my posts and maybe you'd only hate me half as much, right? Maybe?
(post is archived)