An option at the time of posting (and available for toggling when editing an existing post) to control the visibility of the post.
NSFW? [_]
Post Visibility:
- Public [_]
- Active Accounts Only [O]
As inactive accounts must become active in order to view NSFW posts (which is a great change), this option would work as a way for a poster to mark their post as functioning as NSFW to then be excluded from being visible to inactive accounts and unregistered users, but it would do so without actually marking the post as NSFW.
I believe this would allow for greater control to the poster of whether they want the post 'exclusive' and only viewable and accessible by active users versus being completely public to any passerby to poal.
The default would be "Public" unless the NSFW tickbox is checked (or if it is posted in a NSFW sub) and ticking NSFW would disable/override the Post Visibility option.
I'm unsure how having NSFW marked on a comment works in relation to inactive/unregistered visitors and whether they can view NSFW comments. If NSFW comments are restricted to these visitors as well, perhaps this idea for visibility of posts can be extended as an option onto comments as well in order to control comment visibility to being Publicly viewable or Active Accounts Only.
An option at the time of posting (and available for toggling when editing an existing post) to control the visibility of the post.
>NSFW? [_]
>Post Visibility:
>- Public [_]
>- Active Accounts Only [O]
As inactive accounts must become active in order to view NSFW posts (which is a great change), this option would work as a way for a poster to mark their post as functioning as NSFW to then be excluded from being visible to inactive accounts and unregistered users, but it would do so without actually marking the post as NSFW.
I believe this would allow for greater control to the poster of whether they want the post 'exclusive' and only viewable and accessible by active users versus being completely public to any passerby to poal.
The default would be "Public" unless the NSFW tickbox is checked (or if it is posted in a NSFW sub) and ticking NSFW would disable/override the Post Visibility option.
I'm unsure how having NSFW marked on a comment works in relation to inactive/unregistered visitors and whether they can view NSFW comments. If NSFW comments are restricted to these visitors as well, perhaps this idea for visibility of posts can be extended as an option onto comments as well in order to control comment visibility to being Publicly viewable or Active Accounts Only.
(post is archived)