I agree with this, but it should also require us who know the truth to actively monitor the intro sub and express redpill the newcomers on topics they are not knowledge about.
For example if someone thinks Hitler was an evil bastard who personally strangled 16 000 000 000 000 000 jews, ok let him through, Poal is the kind of place where he will daily be exposed to sea of evidence that proves it's not true.
But if someone refuses to reject the talmud purely because they don't know enough about it or don't understand why we are asking this of them, then you could cut off a person that was willing to listen and learn, but was just ill informed.
Of course if anyone refuses to reject the talmud no matter what, then it's obvious why.
Regarding the OP idea: One thing that would concern me it it were made an actual requirement, would be that someone could potentially just look at other introduction posts to see how those required questions should be answered and then just copy>paste the answers. Having people answer them in a non-required fashion and write them 'in their own words' allows for their responses to be analyzed - word usage, whether they might barely know English, or whether they merely dismiss the questions because it is just 'other people' asking them and they aren't required to be answered.
I like it being a kind of non-forced requirement that allows for them to either answer or dismiss the questions posed by others to get a decent idea of the nature of the account and the person behind it.
Related matter: I've gone to reply to several introductions in the past with some links to important redpill posts on poal, but we're not able to post links in that sub even to other threads here on poal from what I recall. I don't think we can even link the welcome page or ToS, which would also be kind of useful. That is how I recall things being the last time I tried though, but perhaps this has changed or I am not remembering correctly. I'll try to test out posting 'internal' links again sometime soon.
I would really like to post a compilation of important redpill threads to newcomers sometimes, particularly the nigger and kike infodump threads. Perhaps assisting new accounts might not the objective of the sub, but primarily to see how the new accounts introduce themselves.
I think links are still forbidden.
There is an requirement for them to be active in their own intro sub now that I think about it, but I'm not sure what exactly the stndards are.
At the end of the day if someone avoids answering those questions their silence says more than enough.
So, was this your first test?
16 000 000 000 000 000
As you know that's not even a fraction of the chosen people who were slaughtered by Hitler.
Good, good. Now write a 50 billion words apology letter to Israel and post a photo of yourself breaking down and crying at a wailing wall and you're all set.
I'd be down to do it, if no one else wants to. I'm tired of seeing all these glower nigger baby dick suckers trying to heeb up our hangout.
...also I still don't appreciate you :)
I'd be down for that too, even though I'm not active as much lately due to vacation reasons.
I appreciate your right to not appreciated me.
That’s good. But what if we went further? What if the mandatory post that needed these things also had an auto reply with the top 25 most important red pill links. Instantly get the picture to people (even the clueless glowies) or newbies. As a crowd sourced list, I’m sure users here could put together a gold medal reading and watching list of credible sources and facts to show reality.
That's a great idea honestly. HT already has hyperlinks to all his flyers and pdfs. All we'd need is a scripted bot to post the links and descriptions. We would still need a human vetting process though. We're not a capta code
(post is archived)