This can’t easily be done because of the infinite scroll. If you haven’t visited Poal for several days, it will have to retrieve hundreds of posts that will consume/waste a large amount of resources since it would be nonsensical to index/cache each user’s queries.
The purpose of /all/new is to list new posts from the newest to the oldest (25 posts per page or infinite scroll refresh). is used to dynamically push new ones and update the amount of votes/comments
>can’t easily be done
So you got this right?
Maybe the feature can have a limit, like 18 or 24 hours?
I'll take a look at it and see if that can be something available for a few beta-testers only.
I had another idea that might work better. Maybe a button you click on a post that is like a bookmark, done with a cookie? Then at the menu at the top there could be a "return" button that would take you back to that post and you could scroll forward from there? Whenever you click the bookmark button it would reset to that post and forget the last. Just spit balling, I don't do this work but I thought I would throw that out there.
Sign me up!!!
(post is archived)