What if you made it configurable so the mouseover showed the relative time, and the page showed the real time if you specified it to do so? Basically they would just swap if you checked that radio in your settings.
it will most likely brake the UI (especially on mobile)
You can make your own tampermonkey script instead.
I saw that, but care to elaborate? I don't do front-end.
Here's the working tampermonkey script (copy the entire green part and paste it in tampermonkey (browser extension)
// ==UserScript==
// [@name](/u/name) relative dates
// [@namespace](/u/namespace) http://tampermonkey.net/
// [@version](/u/version) 0.1
// [@description](/u/description) convert abs to rel dates
// [@author](/u/author) AOU
// [@match](/u/match) https://poal.co/*
// [@grant](/u/grant) none
// ==/UserScript==
(function updateTimestamps() {
'use strict';
var myTimes = document.getElementsByClassName('mytime');
for(var i=0; i<myTimes.length; i++) {
var time = myTimes[i];
var datetimeStringOld = time.getAttribute('datetime');
var dateSeconds = Date.parse(datetimeStringOld);
var date = new Date(dateSeconds);
var localString = date.toLocaleString();
time.innerHTML = localString;
var timerVar = setInterval( function(){ updateTimestamps() }, 5000);
(post is archived)