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If we made this a space for freedom of ideas but not profanity, it would scare off fewer normies. I can't send certain people to this site because the language breaks their brain. I know it's supposed to be a safe space for people to say niggerfaggotkike, but maybe it needs to grow up (maybe only for 6 months?) and be an easier source of redpills for those who can't bear the rough handling that has always acted as a sort of gatekeeper to keep out redditters. Is there a place where one can discuss anything but not see the word nigger? It would also make bots much easier to pick out. The only people left saying it would be shills. Could this community agree, for a time, to behave in a gentlemanly fashion and lure in the unsuspecting lefty? Could there be a place like that? Freedom of speech is awesome, but I think if everyone doesn't wake up yesterday, it's over.

Fuck you!

If we made this a space for freedom of ideas but not profanity, it would scare off fewer normies. I can't send certain people to this site because the language breaks their brain. I know it's supposed to be a safe space for people to say niggerfaggotkike, but maybe it needs to grow up (maybe only for 6 months?) and be an easier source of redpills for those who can't bear the rough handling that has always acted as a sort of gatekeeper to keep out redditters. Is there a place where one can discuss anything but not see the word nigger? It would also make bots much easier to pick out. The only people left saying it would be shills. Could this community agree, for a time, to behave in a gentlemanly fashion and lure in the unsuspecting lefty? Could there be a place like that? Freedom of speech is awesome, but I think if everyone doesn't wake up yesterday, it's over. Fuck you!

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Then they do not need to be here if it hurts there fee fees OP. If they are that much of a fucking sensitive sally. Honestly if anyone does not like profanity on POAL (profanity is still free speech Zoomers), then suggest GAB instead. Mashing your keyboard wanting users here to not cuss is like asking Pedo Joe to stop fondling children. It will never happen, and Fuck You for trying.

[–] 1 pt

Dude. You totally swore at me. I'm offended.

I guess my point was missed. I agree that it works as a filter and that was fine in the past as no one wanted to share space with retards. I'm just seeing retards wake up lately about things like Xiden and CIA pedos. I'm brainstorming ways to have a place where people can go from being suspicious about Hunter Biden on Gab to understanding the Kalergi Plan and that Pizzagate wasn't a joke. I want more retards. I want to take a bath in a sea of retards. I want a retard army to rise up and spread the message. This place has no point for me other than being a honeypot and a place to hear about shit that makes me mad. (I mean, not terrible, really) We're just recycling old, boring ideas that everyone here is aware of. I remember times on Voat where it seemed like every other post was about "hey, school me on Jews. I have no idea." I don't see that anymore.

It may have always been that if you couldn't handle like and nigger, you couldn't handle the truth about the world, but I think that's changed. There are people who can handle the idea that the world is run by Frankist Demons, but they can't handle foul language. One has info, the other is a pure fight or flight reaction.

There's also the fact that all my ideas are great and actionable and you should all listen to me. I take your criticism as pure adoration.

[–] 1 pt

Shut the fuck up you flaming fucking cock sucking faggot

[–] 1 pt

You're my favorite. I would hug you and give you a deep deep sniff if I could.
Happy Holidays.

[–] 1 pt

I can't send certain people to this site because the language breaks their brain.

And thats called a filter. If bad words make you squirm, you couldn't handle anything here.

In fact this type of filter worked great for Voat. I can recall a time /pol/ raided Voat and no one noticed.

[–] 1 pt

This is not VOAT, and VOAT is dead. This is POAL get it into your thick head.

[–] 0 pt

POAL's teacher told me the POAL is now going by VOAT at school and would like you to continue the practice at home. Please stop with the anti-trans nonsense. POAL also has permission to shower with the other VOAT clones and use VOAT bathrooms. P-V top surgery has already been approved and next month the L will be cut and turned into a T.

[–] 0 pt

Well, I guess VOAT just raped VOAT123 in the locker room. Sorry.

[–] 0 pt

Fuck niggerfaggot normies. They already have reddit.

[–] 0 pt

Is it enough to get them here eventually? I don't use social media or anything other than this. But yes. Eff EnnerEffing Normies.

[–] 0 pt

OP, you said you were going to make a case, not an emotional appeal.

Your thinking is flawed because the normies have had their brains scooped out. They cannot reason without something dramatic shifting their perception. For many, that will not even be enough.

[–] 1 pt

I think Covid will either drive us into camps or drive people so crazy that they rise up. The latter is actually happening. Covid could help people see.
Yes, many are hopeless. No one is talking about them.

[–] 0 pt

The Yellow Vests seem to have made little traction in France.

[–] 1 pt

I agree. But the German AFP is doing well. There's just so much pointless wailing and nothing gets done. And now I sound like that guy...

[–] 0 pt

No, it's not emotional. Hear me out. I don't really care about bad words. I just think that this is the end game and we need to consider other ways to ramp up the redpilling. Yes, getting rid of profanity is ridiculous and impossible. I get that. But I'm seeing people in the world who piss themselves over hearing the word nigger but still have a sneaking suspicion that the globohomo is trying to kill us all in gulags. We need a kids table. Or a minor league. Is that Jordan Peterson? Yikes. I dunno. Maybe. Tucker on YouTube? Maybe. Rockwell didn't swear like a fucking child, did he?
And yes, I like profanity. A lot. Just toying with ideas here. It's maybe the hardest of problems. How do you leave a light on for the people fed up with Covid and suddenly curious about the Rothschilds? Right now, this is the only place that I really know of, but the light is actually a neon sign that says Niggers. I think it's hilarious and great. But I'm in on it.

[–] 0 pt

We all have complex motivations. If you're looking for political power, you're correct about the swearing.

[–] 0 pt

It sucks that everything has to be a tool in a fight for power. I miss just enjoying shit.

[–] 0 pt

Fuck off, nigger

[–] 1 pt

I can always rely on you.

[–] 0 pt

Hmmm...strange, the people in my life claim the opposite.

[–] 0 pt

The content is far worse than the language.

Pro Hitler, overt racism, rampant anti-semitism, hatred of the mentality ill LGBTQ+ faggots...

But you're worried about profanity?

Lol are fucking serious?

[–] 1 pt

No, it's the harsh langauge. Everyone knows that normies are deeply ready for people to suck Hitler's cock, since they're all cucks already, but fuck/cunt/kike/nigger are just going too far.

[–] 1 pt

I see.

Thank you for the clarification.

[–] 1 pt

This is probably closer to the truth. Every normie I know is just begging for another Stalin. But this time, there will be no Hitler to try and stem the tide. The old VOAT pizza gate sticky thread from many moons ago was such a great on ramp. No swearing, just well-researched info that inexorably led down the hole to Israel. If I had stumbled on voat/niggers first, I might have squealed and run away at the time, being kind of a bitch. But here I am, doing what I'm doing. Hating everyone. So apparently, it worked. I'd like something like that sticky to point people at, I guess.

[–] 1 pt

Pro Hitler, overt racism, rampant anti-semitism, hatred of the mentality ill LGBTQ+ faggots...

that's what keeps me coming back...like a dog returning to its vomit.

[–] 1 pt

I wouldn't want it any other way.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah. I am. You get my point, thank you. Except I would say the content isn't worse, just tough to take in for some.