A point system to keep track of how many comments a user has facilitated. Encourage people to start discussion instead of just farming points.
For example, you make a submission and 10 comments are posted under it (not including yours), you get +10 Discussion Starter points (or whatever you want to call it).
Likewise, if you make a comment and 5 people comment under it (regardless of chain depth), you get +5 points.
[–] gaylord 1 point (+1|-0) 1 hour ago:
| > I'm a faggot
|-- [–] picman 69 points (+69|-0) your mom ago:
| > I too am a faggot
|---- [–] mrloozer 420 points (+420|-0) bang-oclock ago:
| > I agree, I am in the faggot realm..
|-- [–] pmyb2 -200 points (+0|-200) who cares ago:
| > I hate myself
Discussion Starter points:
1. gaylord = 3
2. picman = 1
3. mrloozer = 0
4. pmyb2 = 0
A point system to keep track of how many comments a user has facilitated. Encourage people to start discussion instead of just farming points.
For example, you make a submission and 10 comments are posted under it (not including yours), you get +10 Discussion Starter points (or whatever you want to call it).
Likewise, if you make a comment and 5 people comment under it (regardless of chain depth), you get +5 points.
[–] gaylord 1 point (+1|-0) 1 hour ago:
| > I'm a faggot
|-- [–] picman 69 points (+69|-0) your mom ago:
| > I too am a faggot
|---- [–] mrloozer 420 points (+420|-0) bang-oclock ago:
| > I agree, I am in the faggot realm..
|-- [–] pmyb2 -200 points (+0|-200) who cares ago:
| > I hate myself
Discussion Starter points:
1. gaylord = 3
2. picman = 1
3. mrloozer = 0
4. pmyb2 = 0
(post is archived)