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If it doesn't already.

If it doesn't already.

(post is archived)

That's not fair. If I block someone personally, I don't want them posting in my subs either. I can't possibly moderate properly if there are blocked people posting in my subs.

And being that I only block retards who reply with one liners or stay stupid shit after not reading and constantly lighting up my inbox with their banality, I say fuck em'. They aren't worth the clicks it takes.

The problem isn't censorship here because no one really cares to censor on poal, the problem is a wave-after-wave of the most worthless trolls and infiltrators.

If you want to have a conversation, that's fine, but running around with the hundredth account named oy_vey_kike_jewsdidit_JIDF_agent_niggerfag_69 injecting shit into every post and thinking they're hilarious is a waste of everyone's time.

I feel nothing for them.

If anyone wants a list of the dumbest motherfuckers to sign up, I'll release my blocked list. :D


Probably gonna be my next username here.

Release the list.

[–] 0 pt

You'll still know if they post to your subs, their shit'll just be minimized by default.

Which is totally gay. I don't want to see their names or even know they exist. When I block someone, they should be shitlisted from my subs automatically and I should never hear from them again. :)

The whole point of blocking them is to block them. Why would I want to block someone then still have to expand and moderate their shitty posts?

Am I the only sane one left on Earth? Perhaps the system is flawed but I like the blocked feature more than I like free-range retards.

[–] 0 pt

The block button should be the "unexist" button, but that's not how it works at the moment.

[–] 0 pt

If anyone wants a list of the dumbest motherfuckers to sign up, I'll release my blocked list. :D

You should. The only one I've ever blocked was the LizardKing.

[–] 0 pt

Heracleides is full of shit. Im not a troll or an infiltrator and my comments are high quality for people that dont resort to calling me kike for disagreeing with them. I don’t know why he blocked me. But Im pretty tame and happy to keep the conversation elevated. Maybe its my banality?

I think anticlutch is the only other user here that has me blocked besides this faggot. Id love to see his blocked list. Let’s see just how fragile he is. :D