The current block feature was an experiment, and after a few months of live trial, @PMYB2 and I agreed on changing its behavior when necessary.
So, we will reduce the limitation to reply to posts/comments from users who blocked you down to level 6 (360 points) which isn't that hard to reach, and will prevent trolls from using alts to flood shitcomments in posts.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Are you saying that users who are level 6 and above can block other users?
I'm not sure how this addresses my concern about what is to be done when a user blocks you and your only recourse is to use the downvote in a "sinful" way.
Edit: I reread your announcement. As I understand, you can reply to people who blocked you if youre level 6 and above. I assume this means the user who blocked you will not be notified of your reply. I think this is a much better way to utilize the block system. Nothing more frustrating than being in the middle of a debate, just to have the faggot block you so no one can see your epic take down.
The level 30 was put in place to prevent the fakevoat fags from shitting in all the posts when the voat migration happened a few months ago. It's not really necessary anymore since most of the cubicle shills backed the fuck off to fake voat.
(post is archived)