You downvoted @0K for disagreement which makes you the faggot in the situation. Go back to voat/reddit with that downvote faggotry. Or assimilate to Poal culture like 0K did.
"Downvoted for disagreement"
lol who gives a fuck. You people act so up tight about your worthless kike points.
You clearly didn't read the copy pasta. It has nothing to do with "internet points" no one gives a fuck about those. Downvoting is censorship. Downvoting tells other people this is spam, or illegal, or off topic so don't look at it. We don't censor opinions we dislike.
downvoting is censorship
You are a fucking retard if you believe that.
We don't censor opinions we dislike.
Which is retarded.
If someone were to say blacks were equal to Whites, downvote spam should cause said comment to be hidden from view.
However to your point then there needs to be an option per account of;
heavily downvoted comments and submissions are not hidden from view
Then all the dumb niggers who cry about muh downvote equals censorship!!!! can check that option and live in their own totally diverse, inclusive and tolerant paradise.
I don't agree with that assesment because there is an infinite amount of arguments to be made about why something is off topic.
I understand that it could be considered censorship, but if you say that, then upvotes are censorship too. Upvotes elevate certain comments to prominence above others. If enough like minded comments are posted it will drown out the ones that aren't upvoted.
I understand the argument, I just don't think it's enough. Downvoting is an integral feature of voting sites. It's not a "worst case scenario" option.
Why does the down vote exist if not to be used? I don't downvote people just because I disagree, I downvote when they are promoting dangerous ideas.
It's been discussed 6 gorillion times, it's in the user guide and welcome page but here is some copy pasta to explain it.
>Ok. The purpose of the downvoat button is to indicate that a post is spam, off topic, illegal. The purpose is not to indicate disagreement, or dislike of someone's posting. I you disagree, you can articulate why (best option) or just call them a niggerfaggot and move on. If the purpose of downvotes is to indicate that the posting shouldn't be read because it doesn't belong (spam/off topic/anything Aged might have posted on voat) then you do others a disservice by downvoating something simply because you disagree with it. That sort of behavior quickly turns a place into an echochamber.
>Let's take voat as an example. Suppose I had said "I don't think people should call black people "the n word", and they're just as intelligent as us, I don't believe all this IQ nonsense." That view would have been downvoated to oblivion and many people might not have had a chance to see it let alone discuss or correct it. That's not much different than what contemporary reddit does (except those fag jannies also remove the posts). We're better than that. We can win the conversation with ideas and proof. While you and I almost certainly disagree with that, we can indicate that by citing sources of differences of IQ, using the word nigger, or just calling the OP a fag and moving on.
>In this way, the downvote button has a discrete function, more elegant than "I don't like what you've said, but I'm too lazy do do anything about it but hit a button." Anyway, that's my take on it, but you may be better off asking the site owners (sorry for pinging you guys so much, I know you're busy) aou and PMYB2
>Hope that was eli5 enough.
As I said, I'm not downvoting simply because I disagree, my downvote is in the grey areas between spam and disagreement.
If you are spouting objective falsehoods like "jesus was a jew" "ashkenazi 115 average IQ" or promoting hedonism or advocating cowardice then it makes sense to suppress that kind of nonsense.
(post is archived)