As I said, I'm not downvoting simply because I disagree, my downvote is in the grey areas between spam and disagreement.
If you are spouting objective falsehoods like "jesus was a jew" "ashkenazi 115 average IQ" or promoting hedonism or advocating cowardice then it makes sense to suppress that kind of nonsense.
>I would say, just get along with it and keep a low profile
>Consider yourself as some sort of POW in a forced labor camp. Get along with the program at least on the surface, and everything you do or try to do that goes against it, do it covertly
>No need to attract unwanted attention
>Now of course you can say fuck that shit entirely and face the consequences, and maybe the consequences aren't that a big deal for you, depends of your situation
>Maybe you're that employee that can't be fired just like that because eh, you're special, special enough to be essential, I've known at least one like that
>And maybe you don't give that much of a fuck about that job anyway
Now you're just creating a straw man. This is what he said; what objective falsehood did he make? none. @0K put out a reasoned opinion suggesting that he could go either way depending on his specific situation. It's fine that you disagreed with it, but it's clearly not spam, illegal, or off topic.
There's no winning strategy here, he isn't in charge of anything he's an employee and you people are going to do fuck all to support him when shit actually goes south for him as a result of your shit advices
Talk is easy you fucking larper, you have no dog in this fight so don't lecture me or anybody else on courage and get a fucking job for a start, then talk
Objectively false, I've followed my own advice and it's worked. On several occasions I've stood up to the anti-white policies in schools and workplaces. Every time they've folded. This is classic demoralization. While I'll agree that there are times when you can't stand up more often than not you'll find that if you stand up against the tyrannical bullshit you'll win so long as you aren't a sperg about it.
Edit: to clarify why this deserves a downvote: he's projecting. Only someone who's never fought back would advise keeping your head down while they line you up along a shallow grave. The reason we're in the situation we're in is because people of the past didn't take the small risk to say "no." So long people keep taking it in the ass from the radical left, they'll keep doubling down. Someone needs to fight, and if not you, then who? Advocating cowardice in all situations, without even knowing the specifics, can only end with everyone to the right of Che in the gulags. Yes, some of the people who stand and fight will get fucked. But it's better to die a hero than live as a coward. Your sins are visited on your children. It's the sins of the boomers that we're paying for now by having to take faggotry training in the first place. Give them an inch, it's not like they'll take a mile right? Until this mindset is extinguished things are only going to get worse.
Dude, these faggots are always going to act like a downvote is a life ending event. I don 't know what it is they can't handle about it but you can't convince them that their precious internet points are worthless. It's fucking bizarre but that's the way it is.
>Objectively false
According to who? According to a fucking larper to begin with
>I've stood up to the anti-white policies in schools and workplaces
Yeah sure, "schools and workplaces", plural... And since that day this kid is known as the "tel aviv ten ton terror" in all schools and workplaces he's ever been to in the US since 1948!
Made up BS, obvious
Get a fucking first job you fucking larper, to begin with, then talk
(post is archived)