Every big shot here tries to defend Poal system as: prevent abuse. Yet, if you go into /all/new you will see trash. Infinite the trash. Users with many "different" universes.. News, Usnews, Newsjunkie, newsnow,newsohio, newsmiami... Etc etc. They are technically posting correct but abusing Poal hard. Because Poal does not allow it's user to point out bad content. "Funny" is actually SAD. It has Facebook level humor. Npc level humor. We might even see things from 10 years ago.. Like fuuuuuuuuuuu. Comics.. It's a disgrace. And we cannot downvoat that trash to hell. Because technically, it's the correct post. I've cleaned my /all/new a lot just by blocking 5-10 main users. If you go now, and scroll, you will see them.. Abusing Poal, technically correct. But you will see them simply posting 20 slightly different things in 20 slightly different categories / universes... Check out. And yet.. The mods and big shots here are afraid of user "abusing" downvote.
At least with this option by OP we could signal bad content. Not sure if it will have the same results I wanted (clean /all) but it's better than now.. Any sorting of /all now shows pure trash. Even terrible content gets to hot or top.
just fuck off then, no one forces you to be here
pretty damn sure the people complaining are paid shills who can no longer push people away from voat by simply downvote people to fuck so they cant downvote people at all, stop trying to pilput your way to victory, we are wise to your bullshit and it will not be forgotten
(post is archived)