Yeah I don't like that it doesn't link to the content.
Learn to adapt... Redditors... useless scrubs.
It's a design choice.
Already answered here:
That's unfortunate. Like, I see a thumbnail, I click it as if to enlarge it, and it takes me to the comments instead. I guess I'll get used to it eventually...
We use expando icons here. It helps identify what kind of content a post is (web link, image, video, pdf, poll...)
A thumbnail can't show you that.
The icons need to be larger for Mobile then. I’m an average sized human, and those icons are for toddlers.
I like it the way it is. On voat I would often view content and the have to go back to look for the post in order to comment.
I imagine that on purpose since most people are right handed and you can still browse with one hand on your phone.
You can also click on the chat bubble to go to comments.
(post is archived)