Or a two tiered scoring system using decimals. Here's what I mean and how;
Each post has 3 values tracked
downvotes by people who haven't replied
downvotes by people who have replied
And they are displayed such as;
Anticlutch 12 pts (+20|-8.12) 11 min ago
Where the 12 is the overall value gained from [upvotes] - [downvotes by people who replied]. The 8 is the number of downvotes by people who replied. The 12 is the downvotes by people who didn't reply.
This could further be expanded into;
Anticlutch 12.6 pts (+20.13|-8.7) 11 min ago
Where the 12.6 indicates the total sum of upvotes versus downvotes by whether the upvoting/downvoting account replied or not.
Where 20.13 is 20 people who replied also upvoted AND 13 people who DID NOT reply also upvoted.
Where -8.7 is 8 people who replied also downvoted AND 7 people who DID NOT reply also downvoted.
:) sorry about the headache. If further explanation or clarification is necessary just ask.
(post is archived)