Everyone can see your profile. You haven’t contributed anything to poal for over a year besides upvoting shitposts minutes after being posted.
If you think you’ll have your way just like on the other place you guys screwed up, you are deeply deeply deeply mistaken.
Thank you for your obviously well thought out response. I'm pleased that you've taken such an interest in me.
You're not thinking about what revealing personal posting habits of people is going to do to your site. I hope you realize that. Sure, everyone can see my profile. No one but the admins know where my up votes go, and you're not telling the whole story. If you do that to me, you can do that to anyone.
I am not at all who you think I am. I don't take sides, I have up voted over 24k times in the year I've been here. If more than a quarter of those were for shit posts, I'll eat my shoes. I'm not trying to "have my way here", I'm trying to destress and enjoy myself.
None of your posts to me have been necessary other than as an act of pissing on the fence to mark your territory. It's fine, it's yours.
TL;DR yawn...
Modding has made you paranoid.
Numbers talk for themselves.
You haven’t contributed anything to poal for over a year besides...
He had several good subs that he posted to frequently.
(post is archived)