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Compare the effort to accomplish this vs gungrabbers immediately taking your guns from you purely on an unproven accusation.

Archive (archive.today)

Compare the effort to accomplish this vs gungrabbers immediately taking your guns from you purely on an unproven accusation. [Archive](https://archive.today/OEpLJ)

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt (edited )

>shall not be infringed

what a garbage country we live in. he’s being disbarred for having a gun. his God given right

[–] 1 pt

Dude got convicted on some silly nonsense gun application thing. Not the foreign agent bribery conspiracy, not the crack, and not the sex with minors and or hookers on video. A application filing issue.

[–] 0 pt

And all of Hunter's other criminal activity can be addressed in 2025... Hunter's laptop was found to be real and has been officially entered into court records, setting the stage. We just need Trump at the helm to make it happen.

[–] 1 pt

I think we will see 2016 over again. Meaning if democrats can’t cheat enough this time to get Biden in, I think they will yoke the government back into hoaxes and shanagins impeachments. The world isn’t what it used to be. They are loud and bold now. We are at the brink of communist hell hold with AI and technocratic dystopia. We got here because of foreign influence in our system in which only two maybe three conservatives have published publicly. Tucker, Fuentes and Candice. With foreign money in our system. We can never heal what has already damaged our republic. Nothing else matters

[–] 0 pt

Presidents have special wartime powers that assist in repelling infiltration. Why didn't Trump use them before? Optics. Trump needs We The People firmly behind him in order to take the actions that must be taken. Otherwise the (((DS))) and it's minions would turn it around to make Trump appear the tyrant and go after him with implied support of the people. 2016-2024 has awakened We The People in sufficient numbers to show them exactly who the infiltrating tyrants are. We the People have seen/felt enough and are clamoring for change. Trump embodies the change needed. Once re-elected, Trump can take those actions without causing a civil war. There is still much more of the show to be seen before election day.

[–] 0 pt

Nothing will happen. It's all theater.