Oh dear. My wife walked by when I had that opened. She yelled at me for looking at that. 😁
Ok Poal, can we agree to stop posting pictures that are disgusting? How much can we endure?
A reminder of what’s out there.
It ate Jabba.
More evidence that the libs threatening men w no more sex are not capable of seducing a healthy man anyway. There is so much wrong w that dude, besides his mental illness. Like, what happened to his chin and neck?
illustrative of the transhuman parthenogenic species they want. nasty dark automatons.
IME Of the FEMALE RIVAL !! And OPENING UP The Pineal?? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING! Diddy and The LOK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0NK_eAaIFc https://www.bitchute.com/video/C5nzkRevh5pc
TRUMP & The WITCH. SEE PAST the WHOLE ILLUSION and UNDERSTAND. The Witch KNOWS HER TIME's UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Okj5s8-C5So https://www.bitchute.com/video/ul5RJwYAZ5X6 https://odysee.com/@CoryBarbee:8/TRUMP-The-WITCH.-SEE-PAST-the-WHOLE-ILLUSION-and-UNDERSTAND.-The-Witch-KNOWS-HER-TIMEs-UP-NAKED:a
aqua tofana hatred of all things masculine WANNNA SEE The WH@*E Of BABYLON COMPLETE NAk-3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWVDh8SMK2M
They Just MANIFESTED The ENTIRE MESSAGE Of THIS and UNDERSTANDING Of This MINISTRY https://www.bitchute.com/video/rcmGAGLT7kpg https://odysee.com/@CoryBarbee:8/BUSTED-BUSTED-They-Just-MANIFESTED-The-ENTIRE-MESSAGE-Of-THIS-and-UNDERSTANING-Of-This-MINISTRY:9
IT-HAS-BEGUN https://odysee.com/@CoryBarbee:8/IT-HAS-BEGUN:f
I think it's 400 Lb...
I've honestly never seen anything like that in person. I'm not sure if I'd lol or look in horror. Maybe both.
Some people would pull out a wood chipper.