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[–] 4 pts

It was not part of their blood, it came to them very late, with long arrears to make good, when the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved, they were icy – willing to wait til every count should be proved, ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show, when the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud when the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, when time shall count from the date that the Saxon began to hate.

"For everything there is a season…and a time for every pursuit under the heavens: – a time to love and a time to hate” - Ecclesiastes 3:1, 8

Contrary to judeo-satanic revisionism, both God and good Christians can and do hate evil and that which God has deemed (example, fags, trannies, evil followers of Satan, ...).

[–] 2 pts

It was not part of their blood, it came to them very late, with long arrears to make good, when the Saxon began to hate.

The Beginnings. (pic8.co)

[–] 0 pt

Yea, they'll be ready to do something about their hate in a century or two...of course, their genetic line will be long dead and if it is still around, it will be horribly diluted and ruined.

[–] 1 pt

That's a powerful jew-black pill you're pushing and not substantiated afaik. Though Jews certainly want this notion pushed to create resolve in surrender. Historically things were much worse.

[–] 0 pt

Nothing is going to change so long as people in The West can go to their kitchen and turn on the faucet and water comes out. Nothing is going to change so long as people in The West can go to the store and buy their next meal. Nothing is going to change so long as people in The West flip a switch and the lights turn on. As long as people are comfortable, nothing is going to change. Look at France the last few weeks.

[–] 1 pt

Great song anyone know the band?

[–] 1 pt

This guy could be straight out of that meme about the old guy at the pub giving you advice lmao

[–] 1 pt

Who is the man featured prominently toward the end?