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If I get a choice of a totalitarian system to live under I'd pick fascism.

If I get a choice of a totalitarian system to live under I'd pick fascism.

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

>rofl I live an hour away from the Great lakes and 30 minute from the Illinois border. But think what you will.

You are a yankee, it makes sense.

I understand there can be benevolent "Fascist states" and of course given the honorable option anyone would kneel before a Philosopher King. But do you realize how impossibly rare that is??

>With an authoritarian leaders deciding matters of the whole within a set of guidelines (laws) by the constitution.

you can make the argument that elected officials are similar to authoritarian leaders except they are bound by balances and checks to their authority including (at least in America) bill of rights/ constitution/ etc. The Elected Offficial does not have complete Executive authority.

>Mutually exclusive ideals. Anarchy literally means lawless and disorganized. I don't get why you edgy fucks love (((anarcy))) so much.

Understand the root etymological source behind the word Anarchy (Ana -archos) greek for Anti archon, because this world has a tendency to be infiltrated and ruled by a dark elite of Hebraic Leviathans. Archons being another word for these beings. They feed off of fear and control people through matrix systems of organized religion and government.

You have been told Anarchy is bad and it was a lie, more anarchy = less government and more sovereignty.

The less government and the more anarchical, generally, the better, because people, on the whole, act like sheep that need their beliefs directed to them, need comfortable religions and systems to obey. The Archons prey off this

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You're probably just not American and would rather kneel to a king, cuck.

Ad hom that I must not be American.

You are a yankee, it makes sense.

Ad hom that I am American. This is jew pilpul 087 and you're extremely bad at it.

you can make the argument that elected officials are similar to authoritarian leaders except they are bound by balances and checks to their authority including (at least in America) bill of rights/ constitution/ etc. The Elected Offficial does not have complete Executive authority.

Thanks for repeating what I stated and adding (((spin))) to it.

Understand the root etymological source behind the word Anarchy (Ana -archos) greek for Anti archon, because this world has a tendency to be infiltrated and ruled by a dark elite of Hebraic Leviathans. Archons being another word for these beings. They feed off of fear and control people through matrix systems of organized religion and government.

This has absolutely nothing to do with what the etymology of the word is. That's not now and never was in argument. This has to do with the known fact that what Anarchy is, what it describes, what anarchists strive for is pure jewish control.

You have been told Anarchy is bad and it was a lie, more anarchy = less government and more sovereignty.

No. Anarchy means NO government, not "less". However that's never what (((anarchy))) brings. (((anarchy))) bring (((chav))) (((chaz))) or w/e the niggerjew autonomous zones were called that eventually fell and literally BEGGED for MORE government than was there prior. There's no discussion here. You keep jew spinning things and strawmanning while ad homing. That's fine, I don't care. You're an admitted (((anarchist))), a (((lolberg))) and bad at what you do. I'm done here. You're arguing in circles, in bad faith, lying, strawmanning, ad homing, pilpuling, and more. This isn't worth it, you're not worth it.


[–] 0 pt (edited )

> Thanks for repeating what I stated and adding (((spin))) to it.

It's what I actually think from my research and hard work to understand these things. Don't be belligerent.

>This has absolutely nothing to do with what the etymology of the word is. That's not now and never was in argument. This has to do with the known fact that what Anarchy is, what it describes, what anarchists strive for is pure jewish control.

true anarchists strive for no one in control. but as for myself, although I would prefer less and less laws and small government and appreciate the sovereign ideals behind Anarchist ideas, I prefer the system of the Founding Fathers, a local, small representative government makes sense to me (with checks and balances of course)... but I may change my mind.

I think we were designed to live in small, localized tribes...

>This isn't worth it, you're not worth it.

Do whatever you want, no one is forcing you to have a civil discourse

I will not be called a liar @anticlutch I haven't lied