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If I get a choice of a totalitarian system to live under I'd pick fascism.

If I get a choice of a totalitarian system to live under I'd pick fascism.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Thing is, you have left wing AND right wing... Globalists...

Take macron, he's globalist, but is he right wing or left wing? Depends, sometimes he leans left of the center sometimes he leans right of the center... But he always remains globalist...

That's the tactical hedge globalists have over traditional currents; they can lean left or right anytime they want, without contradicting themselves, without compromising their agenda, because they are globalist first and foremost

And of course, most mainstream left wing movements such as socialism (not communism, socialism), are naturally more suited to fit the globalist agenda, because of their "international" tendencies, open borders and shit, while right wing movements tend to be more, territorialist... Nationalist... Less compatible by nature, unless of course when it comes to the mainstream right who didtched nationalism to embrace the "global market"/globalization... But they lost their soul/their ideological "stock in trade" by doing so... So no wonder left wing movements remained on top... Because at least their BS ideology remains consistent, they've never been nationalist/sovereignist/territorialist, they're overtly opposed to all that since the beginning. Ironically, communist countries have never been an open borders utopia... Needless to mention human rights... But I digress.

Take the reps and dems, the "uniparty". Most of them are globalists, factually, very few claim to be the opposite, very few claim to be nationalist...

Few right wing guys openly claim to be nationalist, or "soverignist" if you will. Needless to mention left wing types... There are even fewer...


So when it comes to a dictator accessing power in response to a coup, or a coup attempt, the question isn't so much "is he right wing or left wing?"... But rather, "is he nationalist/sovereignist/territorialist... Or just yet another globalist sellout?"


[–] 1 pt

Macron? Are you fucking kidding me?

[–] 0 pt

Not at all.

Macron plays both sides, he can be woke as fuck and at the same make drastic cuts in social aid programs https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/09/07/macr-s07.html

>Macron announces cuts to French social programs Three days before its presentation of decrees to destroy the labor code on August 31, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced a series of measures to complete his break with what remains of the “French social model”. Under the pretext of “modernizing” social welfare systems, the government of French President Emanuel Macron is setting out to destroy all the social rights the working class gained in struggle during the 20th century.

