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If I get a choice of a totalitarian system to live under I'd pick fascism.

If I get a choice of a totalitarian system to live under I'd pick fascism.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Totalitarianism= a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.

Yes. That isn't Fascism.

Fascism=A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Okay ari, not only is that wrong it's more jewish than male genital mutilation.

Rome = Fascist. USA = Fascist. NSDAP Ger = Fascist. ETC.

The jew fears Fascism because it protects freedom and allows for freedom. You're parroting jew lies. Your mind is fully controlled.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah I fucking knew you were just an edgy predditor.

[–] -1 pt

USA is fascist? What are you even arguing?

Every 4 years a new fascist dictator?? Ridiculous. George Washington rejected the idea of Kingship. There was a whole system of checks and balances, politicians served term limits, it was supposed to be a confederation of states where each state was a small government / elected representative republic in itself. It was all to highlight small governmental powers and to AVOID a dictator. This was all ruined by the banking cabal and the rest is what you have today.

There is no denying that the American experiment did work in a modern scenario, and was closer to anarchically organized confederation of states with small government.

You're probably just not American and would rather kneel to a king, cuck.

[–] 0 pt

George Washington rejected the idea of Kingship. Every 4 years a new fascist dictator?? Ridiculous.

Yup. Which isn't Fascist. A "for life" dictator is not Fascist, nor Authoritarian. It's called Authoritarian because there is a ole leader who decides EXECUTIVE matters of state. Like War, borders, protecting citizens etc. As the US is founded with. Totalitarian is neither necessarily a sole "for life" dictator nor does it allow for ANY remote possibility of freedom or protection of citizens. Hitler was elected, re-elected etc. he didn't seize control and keep it. Same with other Fascist authoritarians.

Why are you conflating the two? They're neither inclusive nor equivalent.

it was supposed to be a confederation of states where each state was a small government / elected representative republic in itself. It was all to highlight small governmental powers and to AVOID a dictator.

Yes. With an authoritarian leaders deciding matters of the whole within a set of guidelines (laws) by the constitution. Very interesting when you removed the jew lens.

...to AVOID a dictator. dictator

Not a Fascist thing. Stop lying and equating it as.

and was closer to anarchically organized

anarchically organized

Mutually exclusive ideals. Anarchy literally means lawless and disorganized. I don't get why you edgy fucks love (((anarchy))) so much. You would be killed extremely quickly in any such system as it naturally turned into a Fascist system, as is the natural state of being. Hint: nature is Fascist.

You're probably just not American and would rather kneel to a king, cuck.

rofl I live an hour away from the Great lakes and 30 minute from the Illinois border. But think what you will.

[–] -1 pt

>rofl I live an hour away from the Great lakes and 30 minute from the Illinois border. But think what you will.

You are a yankee, it makes sense.

I understand there can be benevolent "Fascist states" and of course given the honorable option anyone would kneel before a Philosopher King. But do you realize how impossibly rare that is??

>With an authoritarian leaders deciding matters of the whole within a set of guidelines (laws) by the constitution.

you can make the argument that elected officials are similar to authoritarian leaders except they are bound by balances and checks to their authority including (at least in America) bill of rights/ constitution/ etc. The Elected Offficial does not have complete Executive authority.

>Mutually exclusive ideals. Anarchy literally means lawless and disorganized. I don't get why you edgy fucks love (((anarcy))) so much.

Understand the root etymological source behind the word Anarchy (Ana -archos) greek for Anti archon, because this world has a tendency to be infiltrated and ruled by a dark elite of Hebraic Leviathans. Archons being another word for these beings. They feed off of fear and control people through matrix systems of organized religion and government.

You have been told Anarchy is bad and it was a lie, more anarchy = less government and more sovereignty.

The less government and the more anarchical, generally, the better, because people, on the whole, act like sheep that need their beliefs directed to them, need comfortable religions and systems to obey. The Archons prey off this